Chapter 1- Hospital

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*Christopher pov*

"sir you have three meetings for today, first at 11:00am with Mr.Crameson second at 2:30pm with Mr. Grave and third at 4:00pm with Mrs. Kelly. Today's all meetings are with important clients of our company and also you have to go to hospital at 5:00pm for the charity work" announced my PA, Rick while looking at his tab. As soon as he was finished I let out a tired sigh. Someone has to realize that I am not that young anymore, not that I'm saying I'm old, hey I'm not old. Who said having 24 year old son means I'm an old man now huh?  That's rubbish. But still don't you think this is too much work.

"sir, sir.. Are you listening?? " rick asked observing me.
" oh yeah, I was just spaced out, so anything else? " I asked ." no, that's all for today " thanks goodness." OK then let's start it, sooner we start sooner we'll finish". To be honest my schedule today was not that pack or rather not at all. Attending meetings was not that much of work.

Who said meetings were not work? After meeting with the stupid old heads who are just stubborn and are not even ready to listen, I think I'm ready to kill someone now and I promise if this 'lady' in front of me does not stop her useless ranting it would probably be her.
Trust me women are evil when they start to talk about themselves.
"OK Mrs Kelly, I understand. But I'm too sorry I have to leave now for some another  important work. It was nice meeting you " I said standing up from my chair and lifting my hand for a hand shake. God knows what she was talking." I understand Mr. Williams and it's my pleasure " replied Mrs. Kelly. wow she could get professional too?? With last goodbye I left my office and head towards my car. And then it strikes me I still have to go to hospital!! Why? I hate hospitals. Oh don't react as if you love them. You must be an alien for falling with such disgusting smell of medicines.

After the twenty minutes ride I was at the door of hospital. I will make it quick,with that determination I start heading towards doc's office.

Well that was quite very quick. It only takes me forty five minutes to wrap up. When I was ready to leave doctor said, " Mr. Williams we are very grateful to you for your help." " the pleasure is all mine doctor" I replied honestly. " sir if you don't mind may I request you something"  he paused. I nodded my head. He continued saying, "sir you are always helping us but you never tried to see what we do with it--" "I trust you doctor, I know you will always bring best output of it all" I said cutting him. He smiled at me and continued saying " I am happy you believe in us but I'm sure you hardly realize how much of great work you are doing, so let me show you around hospital and make you realize that" I don't think that it is so good to donate, for me it more like my  daily life part. It is same for me as I invest in my company and only difference is I earn profit from my company but here I don't get anything, not that I want anything. It's more like as if I have one more son on whom I would spend. With this in mind I said "doctor it's really no big deal" he observed me for a moment then smiled and said "it seems you have misunderstood me. You see Mr. Williams seeing other people happy because of us makes ourselves happy. I just want you to experience that"

And indeed he was right. It does make me happy. It's like a pure happiness. First time in my life I am taking tour in hospital!! But really it feels good. I turn my head to see the doctor walking beside me already looking at me and smiling with pride." have my words been proved correct Mr. Williams? " he asked me. We were walking in some corridor with rooms on either side. Most doors were closed. One in front of us was open. I wanted to look how it is inside so I replied him looking at that open door while approaching it" I must say that it's true Doc--"

I cannot complete my sentence cause view in front of me stopped me. This can't be true. He is  their sitting on hospital bed looking outside the window. I took unconscious step toward him. I can't hear anything else.  Could it really be him? Hearing my footsteps he turned his gaze toward me and my heart stopped. It's him, the person because of whom I am here now. He looks so fragile. He seemed as much shocked as I was.



Words escaped our mouth at same moment.

Here goes the first chapter!!

Sorry my lovely readers, for late post of my first chapter!!! I was suffering # dehydration # I am quite a weak immune person. But I will try my best.  So please keep patience. Until then three things to do,




Hope you guys enjoy!!!

Love you too.

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