Chapter 19- Wedding (Part II)

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So yeah, my exams are finally was it?? Ahg..hh....let's not talk about them for a while, Anyways Before we go further I want to say thank you to everyone who followed me. Thank you so much, love. And of course you guys always make me happy by voting and one more thing this one is quite a long chapter. So enjoy....

#Kai's pov#

Have I said it before that I don't like to wait? Well let me say it once again. I Don't Like To Wait!! Look at me I didn't get ready early in the morning to come here and wait like this. If Shean didn't hurry up then I am sure that I would be eaten alive by the ladies in the hall. Don't they know it or did they forget that they are here for my marriage! Not that I blame them because I know I am looking handsome as hell. I am too confident about myself? Yes. Yes I am.

The decoration were done perfectly, of course you can trust my old man sometimes. We both are father and son indeed for one reason and that is perfection. We both love perfection. And yes one more thing we love our business too. Oh! And yes we both are cruel. And also.....I guess we are really father-son for more than one reason even if try to deny that I am not like him. I hate to admit but if there is any person I really love then it is only him. But just because I love him that doesn't mean I will not take my revenge on him for this marriage. You will know later about it.

As I was checking out the decorations standing there, must I say, waiting, a sudden though popped in my mind. Why do one person came walking in front of everyone whereas one person stand at the other end waiting in a marriage ceremony? I think I understood what my mom wanted to tell me back then. As a child, when I saw a wedding for first time I asked this very question to my mom. And she had told me......

Marriage ceremony is carried out this way because it has a particular reason. Everything here symbolize something. This aisle you see is not just a path made up of concrete material but it is a connection. Its is the bridge connecting the life of two people standing at both the end. At the ends both of them are alone, one saying ' I will wait for you' and the other ' wait for me'. Truth is we all wait, right from the moment we start getting hope in our life, its the first thing we hope, maybe subconsciously, but its true. We all wait in our life for that person, some of us saying ' ill wait for you' while other saying 'wait for me'. Then one day we finally find each other and we start to enter each others life in the witness of our friends and relatives. We slowly start to leave our old life filled with loneliness behind. In this one person stands their waiting for the other one. He gives the courage to that person, standing their in front of everyone, letting him know that in the witness of all I accept you. Don't be afraid to accept me too. I have waited a long time for you. The one who is waiting there makes the world a more beautiful and safe place for other. Gives him the strength to slowly left the hand of his lifegiver and be brave enough to hold his hand, to trust him, to make his loved ones proud and assure them that he is now once again safe and happy and they don't need to worry.

For the one who stand there waiting that person is like an angel. Even when beautiful and fragile in looks strong and brave enough to protect. Making him believe in humans more. Making his life more colorful and beautiful. Helping him to be brave enough for both of them. Changing him into the better of his own. Giving a relief to his loved ones that now he is happy and now there is someone to take care of him.

Just because one person cross that aisle, it doesn't mean only that persons life change. Both of them leave their old life, one behind and one just change it. Because now they don't stand alone.

Kai, someday you would also stand there waiting for an angel that will change your life, one who will be together with you from then on until you die, one who would stand your back and always inspire you to keep fighting for the things you want to achieve in your life. So in return you must take care of that angel and remember to make it happy too.

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