Chapter 20- World Is Small

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If any person who should not promise things then its me. Even though I promised I am still late but really academics are busy guys. OK then just enjoy and today is my younger brothers birthday too so this is for him? I don't think he would be happy to hear it so this is for you. Enjoy!!

#Mark pov#

My eyes were following all of his moves like as if I was afraid to lose the sight of him. As if I took my eyes of him, he might disappear. But then no. Even if he disappear this time I know well where to find him. And I relaxed a bit. Sipping on my drink I watched him having fun while dancing and laughing with Shean. When Shean introduce us before he behaved like it was first time he had meet me. I don't think our encounter back then was so easy to forget.

It started about more than half a year ago. I always have loved alcohol and therefore I would always crash at pub or bars. That time too I was in one of the bar enjoying my drink but I still was not able to do it. Problem was I am rich and handsome and women's gets attracted to me and I don't like to sleep with whores and slut. Now don't judge me its not like I want an innocent creature or like I am myself an innocent creature. No, its not at all like that. Its just that when women's behave too hungry for my dick their too slutty behavior don't give me the major turn on. I would still do it if I found her beautiful but in the end I still prefer the one ready to go down with me but if I say no then to leave without being persistent. Because when I say no for second time its nothing like first one, some extra words like 'bitch' 'whore' and 'slut' may slip from my tongue.

I was trying to find a way to avoid this makeup doll when I saw a figure sitting in a corner. First glance 'she' attracted my attention and on the second glance I realized it was actually 'he'. End of story. I tried to focus on back on my drink but somehow I keep stealing glances. He looked beautiful in it, not anyone would just be able to tell she is actually he. He looked more beautiful than all women's here. By the look of it, he was waiting for someone, and obviously it must be a man because no man would dress himself up to meet a women. The person he will meet may be someone more powerful than him. I got curios and decided to endure the women in front of me rather than going back.

After fifteen minutes a man suddenly sat beside him and when I saw that expression of surprise on his face, I turned to pay my bills. I got up from my seat and was about to walk when that women stood up and cling on my arm. Oh yes I forgot about her. I said removing her arm and changing her victory smile into a frown,

"Sorry sweetheart but I have to go, next time."

"Oh come on, you can't be shrugging me off. Let's have some fun together." she said while biting her lip seductively. Agrhh!! I don't want to deal with her, not now. OK then let's go for master plan, it worked most of the time.

"I am gay and I have AIDS."  After I saw her I-was-climbing-on-wrong-tree-all-the-time face I walked away.

Timing is important if you want to get an good impression. I have heard it somewhere but today I am going to try it. Perfect timing. I slid my arm around waist and looked dead in the eyes of man standing in front of me. I said in low dangerous voice,

"Do you have any problem with my women?" He looked between us for a second but decided to run when he still can. After he was gone a hand pushed me little and said without seeing in my eyes,

" Am sorry for the trouble but I am not the one you are looking for." Interesting. I hold his wist and pulled him against his little resistance towards exit of the pub. As soon as we were outside and he realized I was dragging him towards my car he yanked his hand free from me. I turned around to take a look at him and I stood still in my place. He is Beautiful I have known that but little did the darkness of pub did justice to his beauty. In the brightness of street light his chocolate brown eye looked directly in my soul. His sharp features with his plum lips just invited my attention more. Oh his lips are moving he is saying something let's listen to his voice,

" You shitty asshole!! What do you think you are doing dragging me around? I already told you that I am not the one you are looking for but still you keep dragging me here even when I resisted. Don't you know the general manners!" He shouted. If I ignore his words then his voice was really sweet and his angry face was really cute. But ignoring his words was little bit of difficult as they keep getting worse so I did the first thing that come to my mind and that can shut him up.

I hold his arm pulled him towards me, locked my arm around his frame and lean down and placed my lips on his. He became quiet for sure but more than that as soon as I touched his soft lips and inhaled his smell my mind turned blank and the only thing I want was to kiss him more. I moved my lips rapidly on his, licking his bottom lip. I pushed him in the back sit of my car and climb on top connecting our lips. When he didn't opened his mouth and started to push me I pinned his hands up and bite on his bottom lip. I forced my tongue in his mouth and the taste of his mouth made the last inch of sanity I was having to go outside the window. I explored his mouth hungrily wanting more and more every time. After few minutes he started to melt too. I loosen my grip on his hands and attacked his neck biting and sucking marking him mine.

He must have came to his senses after few minutes because the next thing I know was I was holding on my family jewel in pain and watched him run for his life without turning back even for once. My Cinderella didn't left anything except for his brown eyes and taste of those lips. That bitch! He kicked me run away.

I tried to search for him but because he was in disguise and didn't left his sandal I was not able to find anything about him for months. I tried to forget him but whenever I would kiss anyone else I would just remember him and how he taste. Nobody was like him. I tried to kiss a man but realized he was the only one.

And then I found him. Holding Shean in his arms that night when I dragged kai with me to look for Shean. Little did I know that world is a small place. As soon as I saw him I knew it was him. Next thing I was holding a file in my official with every detail about him. His name, height, weight, what he does for living, where he live, where he eats, where he buy clothes, all his past relationship and every other thing you can imagine.

This time I found him and now he can't run away even he tried. This bitch kicked me and made me look for him like a mad person, and on top of that when I finally stood in front of him he choose to behave as if I never thrust-ed my tongue down his throat. He did made me angry and I changed my plans about going little soft on him. He was already in my trap now.

I put down my glass and started making my way towards him. Jack where can you run now?


Hey guys!! I am back once again. So who is ready for mark and jack;) just don't forget to vote for my hard work and in case you guys forgot I have never kissed (╥_╥). see you guys soon don't forget to comment too. I like to hear compliments. Avoid my mistakes I didn't get time to review, I will correct them later.

I love you guys too!!!

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