Chapter 1

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Should I rewrite Insurgent in Four's POV? Comment if you want me too (:



I get ready to go to the aptitude tests, grabbing my torn and worn out jacket. Every year around this time, sixteen year olds from all the five factions take an aptitude tests. My faction is Abnegation: the selfless. Our neighborhooding factions are Candor: the honest, Dauntless: the brave, Erudite: the intelligent, and Amity: the peaceful.
The test figures out who you are and where you belong. Then tomorrow is the choosing ceremony, where I get to choose which faction I want to join. You can only choose one time, you can't choose two. If you don't fit in any of the factions, then there is the factionless group. No food, no shelter, no nothing. A disgrace to the factions. I feel bad for them, I always help them when I can.
"Hurry up Tobias! The tests is in 30 minutes!!!" Marcus rushed me as he is also getting ready.
I look back at the mirror, my dark brown hair is tousled and messy. My dark blue eyes shows evidence of sadness in them. "Okay I'm done."
Marcus walks out of the door and I have to duck since I was too tall for the door fame. The doors were too small and I was too tall.
We walk down to the testing place without speaking to each other and kept our distance.
"Here you go now bye," Marcus says without emotion in his voice. I went in line with the rest of the Abnegation kids.
The train came by sounding loud as always and the Dauntless sixteen year olds came falling out of the running train.
"Wooooo!!!! Yeahh!!" A bunch of them screams as they went and line up on the Dauntless line.
I smiled for once in the day, Dauntless will my faction tomorrow. Today is my last day in Abnegation. I will choose Dauntless no matter what, I need to escape from my father.
I walk silently to my history class. I keep my head down to shade away my scar that my dad did. My mom died when I was young, she left me behind with a monster called my father. I shake my head and suddenly bumped into someone.
"Oh sorry," I say glancing up. A girl about fourteen years of age stares back at me. She has the most gorgeous blue-gray eyes and luscious golden locks. She is wearing Abnegation gray dress, she must be from my faction.
She blushes and shakes her head. "No it's my fault. I didn't see where I was going. I'm sorry."
My mouth twitches up. "No it's my fau-"
Before I can finish, another boy that looks similar to her calls her name. She turns back to me and nods goodbye.
I look after her as she runs toward the boy, which I'm guessing is her brother. I sigh and walk to history class again.
The aptitude test takes place after lunch. I sit at the long tables in the cafeteria, and the test administrators call ten names at a time, one for each testing room. I sit next to a couple of kids I knew but we weren't close, I don't trust anyone.
My father works as a council member for Abnegation. I don't get how people think he's all good and no bad. He beats and abuses his own son at home, and no one knows about it. I live in a hell hole with this man.
The test administrators are mostly Abnegation volunteers, although there is an Erudite in one of the testing rooms and a Dauntless in another to test those of us from Abnegation, because the rules state that we can't be tested by someone from our own faction. The rules also say that I cannot be prepared for the test, so I don't know what to expect.
I tap my fingers on the desk nervously, waiting for my turn. My gaze shifts to the Dauntless tables. They're laughing and shouting and shoving each other while playing cards. At another set of tables, the Erudite wearing blue, chatter over books and newspapers with glasses dangling from their eyes.
A group of Amity girls in yellow and red sit in a circle on the cafeteria floor, playing a hand-slapping game that I don't want to know about. At the table next to them, Candor boys are making wide gestures with their hands and seem to be arguing. Though it's not a huge argument because some are smiling.
Meanwhile at the Abnegation table, we sit quietly and patiently waiting for our turn. Every faction has its own custom and personality, I would doubt that Candor can stand to stay quiet for even two minutes.
My name is called for the next group. I move anxiously toward the exit. I follow the person in front of me. Waiting for us outside the cafeteria is a row of ten rooms. They are only used for aptitude test, so I have never been in one. They are separated by mirrors.
My face turned pale and terrified, walking toward the door. I walk into room 4, where a Dauntless woman waits for me.
She is not as scary looking as the young Dauntless I have seen. She has small, dark, angular eyes and wears a black sweater and jeans. Mirrors cover the inner walls of the room. I can see my reflection from all angles. The ceiling glows white with light. In the center of the room is reclined chair, like a dentist's, with a machine next to it. I stare wide eye at it, it looks like a place where terrible things will happen.
"The chair won't bite," the woman says.
Her hair is black and straight, but in the light I see that streaked with gray.
"Take a seat and get comfortable," she says. "My name is Tori."
I stumble my way over to chair and nervously sit down, putting my head on the headrest. Tori busies herself with the machine on my right. I try to focus on the machines instead of the wires in her.
I wince as she attaches an electrode to my forehead.
Tori looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "I told you it's not going to hurt."
"Dad," I blurt out.
"Dad?" Tori says. She presses another electrode to my forehead.
I stare at my reflection off of the mirror and avoid her eyes.
"I heard about Marcus from the Erudite," she says, pressing the next electrode to her own forehead, and attaches a wire to it. "Don't know if it's true or not."
The Erudite are right about my dad, he abuses me but never confirms it. Tori stands behind me with a sympathy look, so she does believe what they say.
She hands me a vial of clear liquid. "You're the one who has to live with your choice," Tori says. "Everyone else will get over it, move on, no matter what you decide. But you never will."
I drink the liquid and close my eyes, her last words still flows in my mind.
When my dark blue eyes open, a second passed and I was somewhere else. I'm standing in the middle of an empty cafeteria. A table was laid out in front of me and it had a large piece of cheese and in another was a long knife.
A voice behind me says, "Choose."
"What?" I ask confuse.
"Choose," the voice repeats.
I look around but saw no one. I turn back deciding which thing to use.
I should probably get the knife. It would protect me.
I reach out and took the knife, the moment my hand touch it, both of the table disappeared. I hear a door squeak and turn to see who it was. My eyes got huge and my hands get sweaty.
A few yards away from me was a huge dog with a pointed nose. It crouches low and slowly creeps toward me, its lips curled back in a growling position.
I held out my knife in front of me in a defense pose. The dog growls when it sees the knife. It inches forward in steady paces, it's nail scraping on the concrete floor.
I felt myself shaking with fear and I know I can't kill the poor thing. My fingers let go of the knife and it fell down to the floor making a thud noise.
The dog suddenly stops stalking me and instead paces over to me in wide strokes.
It jumps on my knees and starts licking my face. I laugh and stroked the dog's soft fur. I was so glad I didn't use the knife.
My eyes blink and when I reopen them, a kid around seven years old is standing across the room wearing a white dress. She held out both arm and squeals, "Puppy!!"
The girl runs toward me and the dog, I start to open my mouth to warn her, but I was too late. The dog besides me turns back into a vicious monster. It growls and snarls, its body bunch up, ready to pounce.
I didn't think about my safety, I just reacted. I hurl my body onto the dog wrapping my strong arms around its' head. My head hits the ground and I was taken somewhere else.
I stand in front of a small school buildings that was back in the olden days. The building was on fire and I heard screams of little kids.
"My baby!!! No no no no!! Kayla!!!" screams a middle age woman, her face wet with tears.
I cautiously walk over to her and ask why she was crying.
"My kid!!! My daughter! She's stuck in the building!!" the woman explains while in sob.
People were running and screaming making me hard to focus on what I had to do. Smoke coming from the school building didn't help either.
A man tries to break in, guessing he was rescuing the kids still stuck in there. But a fire fighter held him back.
My heart ache for the woman. I reach out and put my hand on her shoulder.
"I'll save your kid."
I run full speed into the burning building and crash into it. Smoke fills my lungs making it hard to breathe. I cough and let out a wheeze, leaning against the wall for support. I struggle to hold my breath as I search desperately for the lost kids.
"Help! Anyone help!!!" I hear a little girl's voice yell over the chaos.
"I'm here! Wait for me!" I reply. I break the wood that stops me from reaching to her.
The girl is wearing a dress that is dirty from the fire and she huddles in a corner with three other kids. I quickly run over to the huddle of children and calm all of them down.
"Shhh its okay. Everything will be okay." I reassured them.
They quieted down and I felt my energy drowning. There was a window next to me and I used all my might to punch it open.
The window shatters, bits of it flying everywhere and the air from outside filled the room.
"Everyone get over here, I'll carry you outside and you run fast like a cheetah to the fire fighters understand?" I tell them. The kids nodded and held out their arms eager to get out.
I grab Kayla under the arm and drop her outside. She runs to the firefighters and I did the same for every kid. Time was running out and the last kid was still here with me.
I hear a crack and creak from the roof, it was going to fall out! I quickly grab the last boy using my muscular arms and threw him outside when the roof fell on top of my body.
I wake up with sweaty palms and a pounding in my head. I stand up and notice I was back in the test room. Tori was behind me, clicking and typing on the computer.
I wait for her to tell me if the test was done and how I did but she says nothing. I had to have .done something wrong, Tori wasn't responding to my test results.
"How did I do?" I ask eagerly.
Tori looks at me in the eye and says, "You did most things right but what broke off the normal ness was when you dropped the knife, if you had chosen to kill the dog, you would have been in Dauntless but instead you let it go."
"What do you mean?" I ask, tilting my head to one side.
"You chose to save the girl instead of worrying about your own safety on both tests which results in Abnegation," Tori quickly explain while taking off the wires off my head. "And you told the woman truthfully that you will rescue her kid which turns you to Candor but rescuing all the kids when the roof top fell down on you shows that you were Abnegation and Dauntless."
"You're Divergent," Tori says quickly as if was some curse word.
"Diver-what?" I stumble on the word.
"Divergent," Tori repeats. She pushes me toward the door and before pushing me out she says, "Do NOT tell anyone tell anyone you're Divergent or else your life is on the line!"
"But what faction do I belong to?" I begged her to tell me.
"Abnegation. Its the safest place."
I froze in horror and knew no way that I would choose Abnegation.
"But I--" before I could finish, Tori pushes me out the room and shuts the door close.
I see other kids in line waiting for my room so I hurry up to get my bag and return back to my so called home.

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