passion fruit

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a/n: all these fruit flavored chapters :))

a/n: all these fruit flavored chapters :))

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tae: im so confused

jisoo: believe me so am i

jisoo: do you like jennie?

tae: yes? i think so?

jisoo: NO STUPID

jisoo: i mean if you were to see her right now would you kiss her?

tae: ...

tae: can i pass

jisoo: ugh omg

jisoo: both of you are impossible

jisoo: here i am, trying to make some sense of the situation and both of you are being stubborn rabbit-sucking shitheads and won't be honest about your feelings!

jisoo: you like her

jisoo: she likes you

jisoo: whats stopping you from dating her?

tae: idk, joohyun

jisoo: i think you're stopping yourself

jisoo: joohyun ain't an issue for me, a few slaps and she's outta Jen's way

tae: i wouldn't be too sure about that

jisoo: what?

tae: i think joohyun has some issues

tae: i sound insensitive and im trying not to be, but i think she hurt sooyoung

jisoo: park sooyoung?

tae: yes

tae: she's in the hospital right now with a broken leg

jisoo: hold the phone, im coming to jennies right now. and you're going to explain this to me

tae: um im working right now?

jisoo: fuck that

jisoo: you clearly have time to text me

tae: why are you so much like jennie😭

jisoo: taehyung sweetie... she learned all her ways from me😉

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