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You left immediately, driving a full three hours to get to your hometown. You decided you were going to visit your dad for a while first, seeing as how you haven't seen him in a few years. Not to mention you may end up trapped in the Animation Studio again...

You abandon your car to the streets, climbing up the porch steps. You were pretty hesitant to ring the bell. After all, you two had split on bad terms.

It started when Poofcakes began to fall ill during your last year of college. At the time you were living with your father to not only save money but spend time with your precious cat. She would cough and sneeze often, and she had little appetite and seemed sluggish. You insisted that your father take her to the vet, because it could be something serious, but he shrugged you off telling you that it was just a cold, and he could pick up some medicine and she'd be better in a week. Unfortunately the medicine did not help, in fact it made her condition worse. Her eyesight was worsening and she began going deaf in her right ear. Your father didn't seem to notice until Poofcakes had stopped moving entirely, and the only sign you had that she was alive was the fact that she was breathing.

Your father finally took her to a vet, and the two of you waited until the doctor came out. She began talking with you two. "She has worms." You remember her saying. "Unfortunately you waited too long, and her body is fatally damaged from the inside. There's nothing we can do for her."

You remember crying as you held Poofcakes in your arms, kissing her forehead, whispering sweetly to her that she was going to be ok as she was given painkillers. Poofcakes died peacefully that day.

You sulked for a week, before grief turned to anger. "I told you Poofcakes was sick! I fucking told you we should've brought her to the vet! It's your fault she died!"

"Don't you dare swear at me, young lady!" Your dad roared.

"Well you deserve it you cat-killer!"

"You will not swear at me in my house! I can kick you out whenever I want!"

You pushed him with all your might. "Good! I hope I never have to see you again!"

"I hate you!"

You recall your last words to him as a tear rolls down your cheek. Your hand, which was originally poised to ring the bell, fell slowly to your side. You couldn't face him. You were a coward.

You turned and left, getting into your car and driving to the Animation Studio.



She will hold a spot in my heart even if she is a fictional character.

It is 11 at night. I updated this just for you guys.

This part is actually important to the book. Naturally, you wouldn't know why, mwahaha.

Anyway all of you are incredibly beautiful children (and possibly adults) and you are all lovely in your own way

Stay happy :3 ~ Mama Meh

And So It Ends (Bendy x reader story *PART 2*)Where stories live. Discover now