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Late that night, you huddled with Boris. "I'm scared. What if Alice comes for one of us next?" You had asked Boris.

He let you sleep with him, but now you lay awake, facing Boris as he snored softly into your forehead. An idea came to mind; you had wanted to save Bendy as soon as possible. "Boris, psst, wake up!"

You shook the wolf until his eyes opened and he hummed at you lazily. "(Name), what's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that we don't have an axe!"

Boris immediately looked angry at you. (And the background music stopped...jk XD) "Do you never listen to a word I say?! How many times do I have to tell you that 'elevator equals--'"

"No, we're forgetting a certain stairwell we used to get from the bottom all the way up."

Boris's ears perked up instantly. "I...I think you're onto something here!" He exclaims, shaking his finger at you. "Alice wouldn't know it existed because it was a secret installment that I only found because I did a lot of exploring. However, that's a lot of stairs and if there's no axe or Alice it's for nothing, and if you slip going up or down the stairs, we can expect a serious head injury, or even death."

"I'd do it for Bendy." You state, chin up and certainty in your eyes. "Besides, if I can speed-walk in those stupid secretary heels at work, I'm sure I can handle stairs with sneakers." You mumble, mostly to yourself.

Boris shrugs. "Well we should bring our weapons with us, just in case she dwells on the bottom floor."

You nod agreement, grabbing one of the table legs while Boris wields the wrench. You pat the pocket where the knife was to make sure it was still there before the two of you carefully make your way down.

About 3/4 of the way there, you heard a loud creaking from somewhere beyond the wall to your left, and then some scurrying before it was quiet. "Why does this place need to be so damn creepy and big?" You mutter angrily to no one in particular.

Boris shrugged. "I mean, you killed Joey and he's the one who made this whole thing...kinda too late to answer that question."

"Well he's a terrible person, his only redeeming quality is bringing you and Bendy to life." You state factually.

Boris smiles. "Thanks."

The two of you finally reach the bottom of the stairs, where you decide to take a quick break and rest. There was a sudden loud crashing noise you'd say were a few stories above your head, and then lots of little footsteps on the floor above you. You wanted to scream for Bendy and ask if he were alright, but Boris grabbed you and slapped a hand over your mouth, holding you close.

Once it passed, he let you go. "Are you crazy? You can't yell, or you'll give our position away!" He scolded.

"Sorry....I just miss him so much..." You hang your head in disappointment.

"There there..." Boris gives you a hug and rubs your back a little in order to comfort you. "He'll be ok. We'll get there just in time to rescue him. I promise."

You smile up at him. "Thanks Boris. You really are a good friend." You stand up and grab your table leg, pointing into the darkness ahead. "Now let's go find that little devil." You exclaim, holding your head up high. The wolf smiles too and stands alongside you, and you both venture back into the depths of the basement.



I know it's been an awfully long time, (a whole four months!) but I'm back from my unannounced hiatus, with fresh ideas and I'm ready to roll!

Thank you to those readers who have patiently waited for those agonizing four months. You're all very patient. To those who gave up and left, thank you for staying as long as you did, and I'm sorry I couldn't update quicker!

Everybody here is so kind. ^^

Peace ~ mama meh

And So It Ends (Bendy x reader story *PART 2*)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ