❤️Author's Note❤️

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Most of this is a copy-paste from my Gold x Reader story, but I wanted to spread the word out to everyone who reads my stories, as I know you Bendy lovers exist too.

I'm sorry to all of you who I promised I would finish the story, and I will, just not right now, and probably not for a long while either.

I haven't been on for the past 5 or 6 months because well my dad broke my phone.

Now don't get mad at him, it was not his fault, it was mine.

For those of you who don't want me to go into great detail, you can just skip to the end, just know that I used to use my phone for writing on Wattpad and no phone = hyper-rare updates.

So here's what happened. I always used to write my stories on my phone at night because it was when I did the most thinking and when I had the most free time. I dropped my phone but the screen is hyper resilient and didn't crack, but the screen popped out of the frame. That was about 3 years ago. My dad managed to pop it back in and we taped it closed so it wouldn't pop back out again if it fell. Now there was this one corner that seemed to permanently be popped out, and we couldn't get it to press back in. Time skip to 5-6 months ago, I was fed up with having to re-tape my phone all the time because it would stretch over time and have to be replaced. I (foolishly) asked my dad (who doesn't know everything, but acts like he does, so I trusted him) I asked him about fixing the corner that popped up all the time. I really should've stopped him the moment that the touch screen seemed to stop working, but I was stupid and let him continue until the phone wouldn't turn on at all. He couldn't fix it.

My boyfriend's dad, who is a technician of some sort (not sure) knew more about phones than my dad. My boyfriend offered to ask his dad to fix it, and I agreed. I waited for about a month, maybe a few weeks, asking every few days if the phone was okay. I kept getting told that his dad didn't have a lot of time to check on my phone and so I was polite and waited. I don't remember exactly when I was told this, but the screen was broken and needed about $70 to repair it. This phone of mine was a really old hand-me-down iPod mind you.

Our family isn't completely poor right now, we're managing, but at the time the phone broke, no one in the family was working, of course I wasn't getting the money then. My dad's in a job now, but he doesn't stay in his jobs very long so I don't expect to be outright handed $70 to replace a screen when I have a perfectly working flip phone from my dad back when I was in elementary school. In their eyes, I already have a working phone that I don't use (It's easy to use but also very slow), so I don't think they'll pay for me to have my other phone back (even though it was more fun) In short, I am not getting that $70 unless I save it up myself. I have almost $60 dollars so far, but I don't have a job so money is hard to come across, especially when my mom manages my money and tells me what I can and cannot buy. (For example my mom let my little sister buy makeup brushes at Barnes and Nobles but I wasn't allowed to have a Transformers comic book even when I offered to pay for it myself).

"Why don't you just write on the computer then?" Good question. So I'm REALLY shy about showing off my work, even just to other people. I write these stories then constantly wonder if people like it or not or if this certain scene was good enough or was it too OOC, etc. Heck, these are just people who come to see my writings and simply leave if they don't like it. When it comes to my school (who has not only access to my tabs, history, and bookmarks, but I also heard could look at my screen at any moment(I am using my school laptop)), family, and friends, it's even worse. I don't even want them to know my page exists. Except for my one best friend who I trust very much despite being paranoid about trusting everyone else. Just yesterday my boyfriend pointed at an old bookmark icon and read it out loud (The bookmark's called FORMAL CHICKENS because that used to be my old nickname for this site), and I hoped real hard that he didn't want to click the bookmark and see my stories. I even resorted to distracting him, I didn't want him to see it. So yeah, I don't mind so much sharing this with you all compared to other people in my life (probably because I don't personally know each and every one of you), but yeah, there's that.

"How are you writing this A/N then?" Let me tell you, BARELY. I am writing this on my school laptop, and even though it's at night in the dark at like 11 PM, I am SCARED. In fact I'm probably going to sign out of my account after posting this.

"So what's going to happen meanwhile?" Well you're in luck, I'm working on stories, just offline. I've got about three going on right now. Two are Transformers stories, and we're going to get another Pokemon story, and maybe even a reader-insert story featuring original characters (Most likely in a medieval fantasy setting or modern superhero setting). I say I'm working on them offline because they're going to be on a private Microsoft Word document, where I can edit everything at once. It might even be easier to start, finish, and edit stories so they seem more complete and well-rounded, compared to jumping through chapters one at a time (who said/did what and where sort of deal). I'll start uploading again when I can get my phone fixed.

Again, extremely sorry for the delay in just...everything, and I hope you enjoy the stories I have so far. I won't promise when I finish the stories, but I can promise they will finish eventually.

With love and guilt - Mama Meh

And So It Ends (Bendy x reader story *PART 2*)Where stories live. Discover now