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You wiped the last tear from your eyes as you pulled into a parking space at the animation studio. Looking into a mirror, you took a quick second to at least make yourself look presentable.

Taking hurried steps towards the entrance, you smiled and nearly bust the door off its hinges. Partially to announce your arrival, but also because you were just so excited to see your two most favorite people in the world. The first thing you noticed was a working bridge, that fell across the hole in the floor. Looks like the two of them got busy while I was gone. (I am banning the use of Lenny Face on this paragraph XD)

You tested the bridge, and it was actually pretty sturdy. It creaked a little but you were able to cross without having to worry about falling in. It was only after crossing had you begun to realize it was eerily quiet. Where was your demon boyfriend Bendy? Or your inky best friend Boris? "Bendy, Boris? Where are you guys? If this is a prank it's not very funny." You were beginning to get worried. "Stop it, you're scaring me!" You wail.

Heavy footsteps sound from the hallway where Bendy's room was. It wasn't heavy as in loud, more like a soft sort of dragging noise, like that a grieving person would make. "Who's there?" You ask in a worried, high-pitched tone.

The footsteps come to a slow stop. "(Name)? Is it really you?" It sounded like Boris, but sadder. His voice was raspy, and cracked a little. He turned the corner. It took him a bit to register your face, but after seeing you his face brightened a bit and he ran towards you with immense speed, tears in his eyes.

You were startled a bit but didn't hesitate to welcome his warm-hearted embrace. "Boris what happened? Why are you so sad? Where's Bendy? Is Bendy dead?" You began pelting questions at him faster than he could answer.

He completely ignored them, interrupting you, "(Name), I understand you're confused but please come with me and we'll talk." You complied and he lead you to Bendy's room where the two of you settled on some chairs. "Oh, (Name)..." He bit his lip, shaking a bit. "I'm not sure how to tell you this, but after you left, things went wrong. Terribly wrong. Bendy and I were fine together for a few years, but he soon fell into a great depression. He missed you so badly, but he knew he couldn't be greedy, and keep you here when he knew you were an independent woman with human needs, not simple ink creation needs. I wasn't sure how to help him until I remembered one of our old friends...I told Bendy that there could be three of us again, and that we could have more fun that way, but he was persistent and told me that it just wouldn't be the same without you." He paused a bit, watching you smile softly.

"He still stayed loyal after so many years..." You sighed. "I mean, so did I but it makes me happy to know he thought we would meet again."

Boris rolled his eyes and almost chuckled. "Well I mean it's not like there are other women to talk to in here..."

You nodded agreement. "Anyway, please continue."

"Right. Well I kept trying to think of other ways to help Bendy out, but I couldn't help myself. I made Bendy his new friend but...in my hastiness, I had forgotten they were enemies..." Boris looked at the floor, disappointed in himself.

"Don't worry, Boris. Everyone makes mistakes," you stroke his head fur, "but where is Bendy now? Is he dead?"

"I don't know if he's still alive. All I know is that he got a letter sent to you, begging you to come help but disguised as a friendly letter, just before he was kidnapped." Boris frowned at you. "I probably could've saved him myself but...without your nor Bendy's friendship, I'm just a coward."

You gave him a reassuring smile. "Well no matter, we'll just have to go on a rescue mission." You stood up. "We'll find him, don't worry. But...who exactly kidnapped Bendy?"

Boris pursed his lips. "An Angel did it. Her name is Alice Angel."


:0 *le gasp*

Woah it's a wild Alice! I believe in your ability to save your boyfriend from the clutches of evil!

I hope you are all enjoying the sequel as much as I am! :D

Jeezus it's 12:30 >:I night y'all ❤️

Peace ~ Mama Meh

And So It Ends (Bendy x reader story *PART 2*)Where stories live. Discover now