{4} Unwell

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Zayn P.O.V

I woke up with a pounding headache and felt so sick that I could vomit.

"You almost slept through the day. You missed lunch. Don't worry, it was crappy. Eating oxygen would be better." Louis laughed from the cell next to me. I clenched my stomach and covered my mouth.

No no no no no no no

"Oh god, don't. Please don't vomit. That's gross. It has such a horrid smell to it." Louis covered his eyes.

I uncovered my mouth and took deep breaths. "I think I'll be fine." I said weakly.

"Now stay that way. I don't like..." Louis shivered.

"Thanks for your sympathy." I rolled my eyes.

Liam P.O.V

Zayn said those three words to me last week. Those were also the last words he's said to me.

He continues to lay on his bench throughout the days and then I always end up carrying him outside for play time.

And when we're outside, he sits alone at a pinic table, doing absolutely nothing. Not sure what's wrong with him, but there's definitely something.

All the prisoners seem to ignore him, except Louis. Louis is a very welcoming to new people. He's been at the asylum as long as everyone else. He's been here before I started working here.

Zayn would shoot him a smile, but not say anything. Then again, Louis wouldn't stop to give Zayn a chance to say something.

During "play time", I walked over Zayn. I sat down across from him.

"Hello." I greeted. He looked up at me, then looked back down at his hands as if they were the most interesting things in the world. "You can talk to me. Okay? I want you too." I said, keeping my voice calm.

I was very concerned about him. I mean, I really shouldn't be, but... there's just something about him that I really want to get to know. He's a mystery.

I'm just too caring of a person.

Zayn looked back up at me and nodded.

"Can you talk to me?" I asked. He nodded. I motioned for Zayn to say something. He stared at me blankly before moving his lips and saying,


I smiled.

The whole okay situation reminds me of a book I read. Can't remember what book... or was it a movie...

"Will you have a chat with me?" I asked softly. "As long as you don't hit me, you have a deal." Zayn said. His voice was very hoarse.

"Are you ill?" I asked him. He nodded shyly. "What hurts?" I asked, switching sides and sitting next to him.

Zayn flinched, then relaxed. "My head." He mumbled. I raised my hand put it up to his head.

Possible fever.

"You're burning up." I thought aloud. "My stomach also hurts." Zayn mentioned. I nodded and stood.

"I'll be right back." I said before jogging over to Paul. He was sitting at a punish table keeping a sharp eye on Niall.

Niall was "chasing his tail".

"I need to get Zayn to a doctor. He has a fever and his stomach isn't well." I rushed. Officer Higgins stared at me dumbly for a moment.

"Zayn?" He clarified. I nodded. "He talked to you?" He questioned. I nodded again. "Zayn's not too big on talking." I shrugged.

Louis walked up beside him. "Zayn and I talk all the time... well, I do more of the talking than the listening."

Paul looked at Louis dumbly, then shot me the really? look, before shoeing me off to get a doctor.

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