{6} A Healed Injury

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Liam P.O.V

Another week flashed forward in front of my eyes. I was given the rest of the week off after I found the doctor for Zayn. I was given time off in case I caught whatever he had from him.

I didn't get what he had.

Last time I saw Zayn, he said something along the lines that sounded like,

Thank you

But it sounded more like,

Love you

Too much was going on at that moment to properly hear him, so it was probably was thank you.

When I arrived in the sector after my short vacation, I was greeted by everyone like usual.

"Hey Payno, where ya been?" Louis laughed. "At home, where have you been?" I imitated him. "Home." He laughed harder. I rolled my eyes playfully.

I walked up to Zayn's cell and noticed he wasn't laying down on his bench. He wasn't even in his cell.

Where'd he go?

Paul walked up beside me and slung an arm around me. "Hey." He greeted. "Um, hi." I said awkwardly, keeping my eyes on the empty cell.

"I have some good news that's also bad news." He said.

I looked up at Paul. "What is it?" I asked worriedly.

"You're little friend, Zayn, !was wounded badly by Andy. The replacement guard said he didn't put him in the same cell as him and Andy said he didn't mean to hurt him, but he was caught off guard. Zayn is currently in the hospital wing. A nurse said he wanted to see you. Well, he probably didn't say it but-"

"How bad was the injury?!" I panicked. Paul shrugged. "I don't know. Go check on him." He ordered.

I nodded, then bolted down the hall, but was stopped by Louis yelling at me. "HE SNUCK IN HIMSELF."

I froze. I turned around and faced him. "He did what?"

"Around midnight, he slipped through his bars and into Andy's. Not sure why, but he did." Louis explained. I nodded and thanked him before running to the hospital wing.

As soon as I arrived, I barged in. "Can I help you Officer Payne?" A nurse asked me. "Y-Yes, show me Zayn Malik." I stated, keeping my voice calm. She nodded and directed me to his room.

I took a deep breath, then pushed his door open slowly.

Zayn was laying in a hospital bed, staring blankly at ceiling. He had a white bandage around his torso, one on his right arm, and another around his forehead.

Andy did a number on him.

"Zayn?" I squeaked. He looked in the direction I was in. "Officer Payne." He mumbled with a smile.

I ran over to him and engulfed him into a hug. Zayn wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me the tightest he possibly could (which really wasn't tight).

"I missed you." Zayn whimpered into my chest. "I missed you to." I stated, looking down at him. He had a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

I held him close, not wanting to let go of him so he wouldn't fall apart.

Zayn looked up at me. "I'm sorry I went in Andy's cell." He apologized. "Your okay, that's all that matters." I stated, combing back his hair.

"Can I ask you a question for a change?" Zayn asked, his voice cracked. I nodded.

"No one has ever actually paid attention or even cared for me before. But you, you wouldn't leave me alone until I said one simple word to you. That's never happened to me before. And after the first day, when you first started talking to me, I had this bubbly feeling build up inside of me since then. And a question I wanted to ask you is... will you go out with me? ... well, when I get out of prison." He chuckled.

A warm tear rolled down my cheek as I nodded. Zayn smiled. The first time I had ever seen him smile... and it wasn't the last.

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