What a Lovely Day to get ran over by a Truck

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"Do you want to die, you piece of trash?!"

The person in front of me said with disgust. Human emotion is such a complicated thing to evaluate, but for me, it's quite easy. This man is pissed at me  because I was sitting next to his crush.

Jealousy got the best of him, so he's picking a fight with me. I can tell that he will not punch me because his fist isn't clenched. His body language isn't showing any sign of getting ready to hurt me. Probably just all bark and no bite.

I fake tremble to let him know that I'm a pathetic coward and which this tells him that I'm not a threat. I'm not going to fight over a nobody nor fight this no brained loser who always lets his emotions get the best of him.

"Please don't hurt me, I-I'm sorry."
Putting my hand on my head while trembling, I also faked cried, too. That caused him to smirk and he left saying how pathetic I was.

He walked away without realizing I've recorded our conversation, which I could use to blackmail him and get him to finally leave me alone.

Ahhhh, can't wait to see his face twisted in despair while he is crumpled to his knees. I know it's pretty messed up, but hey, I have to have every card in my sleeve.

You never know when it will be useful.

Walking to my house was similar to getting ready to get executed. I didn't have a... particularly nice household. My mother and father seemed to be in a constant state of being drunk, and my father came home with another women every night; I wouldn't say that I was very happy living there.

"My plan is to graduate high school, getting my diploma, but college is out of the question. Maybe I'll get a job that can support myself and get a small apartment for as well..." I thought to myself as I looked up to a grey, dreary sky, hoping that I will have a steady and lonely life.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw a cute kitten in the middle of the road, minding its own business. There was no collar on its neck so I assumed it was a stray, but why the hell is it in the middle of the freakin' road?? Speeding down the road, a truck was driving towards the kitten without realizing it was there! My body moved on its own, and shoved the little fur-ball out of the way.


My arm was crushed and my ribs caved in, piercing my lungs. I felt adrenaline coursing through me as I slammed to the ground like a rag doll. Echoing in my head, I perceived what I thought was screaming and a man and a woman kneeled next to me, asking if I'm ok. Well no shit, Sherlock?! What do you think after I got ran over by a freakin truck!? My vision was blurry, and my body was going cold. All I felt was the pain and the shaky breaths as I slowly began to realize the darkness that was starting to surround me.

Am I going to die?

I looked at the kitten staring back me with it's big green eyes.

At least I save a life, so yeah, I did something in my meaningless life. What a lovely day to get ran over by a truck. This may not be a bad way to die. I smiled without thinking, and let the darkness embrace my consciousness.

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