Interview (Part 2)

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Have you ever been in a situation where you were caught red handed? Back on earth I was always careful, and stayed a low profile. I plan things out thoroughly, and was never caught. That's how its been for me when I was 4 years old.

But now, for the first time in 14 years, my back is up against the wall.

How didn't I notice her? My {track} didn't even notify me of her presence.

Sarah stops clapping and walked closer to me, and kept a good distance between us.

"Now that's some good evaluation skill you have there," -Sarah

I took a deep breath and tell myself to calm down.

"What do you want from me? Its doesn't look like you just want my money," -Zeal

She then chuckled and raised her hand. Snapped her finger.

Then the room turn pitch dark, blinding my vision.

"Lets talk, after you manage to pass this final interview," -Sarah

I was startled, and when the lights came up again. I was no longer in the room, instead I'm in the middle of an Colosseum. It looks like the place where you would see back in Rome. There was a ceiling above and there were drawings of figure.

There were a total of 7 and one of them is wearing a mask that is oddly familiar to me. Just looking at that specific figure makes me want to spit at it. Then a loud slam was heard in front of me. The sound was coming from the entrance that's been in front of me. The entrance was closed with iron doors. Its about a good 30 meter away from me.

No one was in sight. So basically I just got dumped here.


Why does everybody in this world does whatever they want.

slam* slam* slam*

The alarming sound was getting closer.

I went ahead and set up some traps. Then I cast {enchant ability} and {moderate-level protection}.  I'm not gonna be one of those people that stood there for a good 10 second and continue to gaze at something that could possibly kill them.

The iron door was slam open, sending the door flying. What stood in front of me was a huge man with a giant golden spear on his right hand and a giant silver shield on the left. He's wearing a roman centurion helmet look-alike. The helmet was covering the person's face. He's wearing heavy armor, that looks like it could weigh tons. Without a split second he rushes towards me in a very fast speed. For someone whos wearing heavy armor. This person is ridiculously hasty.

The {chain prison} that I've set up earlier stopped him in his track. Thank goodness I set up my spells, if I didn't then he could've pierced my brains out.

Without delay he broke out of the chain at ease and continue to rush towards me, slashed the chains in his track.

I shot some {fire bolt} at him, but was blocked easily with his shield. The shield wasn't even burned.

I then cast {slumber}, but the moment I casted it, the helmet glowed brightly.

What was that?

It seems like {slumber} didn't do anything, because he lunged at me and attempt to stab me in the leg.

I fall back quickly, and activate {hidden presence}. This time his spear expand and then strikes me in the stomach. I was sent flying backward and was hugging the place where he stabbed me.

System: Critical. Your HP has dropped by 60 percent.

What the hell. My protection was completely broken and I start to bleed. Healing the spot where he stabbed. He expand his spear once more attempt to get my leg. I rolled to the left barely dodged that strike.

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