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Out of all the situation I have to deal with. This has to be the most pain in the ass of them all.

I'm currently dragging cheetah boy, because I can't just leave him there. I still have unfinished buisiness with him.

After my barrage of fire attack landed, the entire building collapsed. Since it's pretty old so that's to be expected. I casted {protection} on myself just in case, thankfully that manage to protect me.

I'm using {chain of bondage} since its easier to drag him with me. Imagine dragging a coffin with a chain. By the way he's not dead. Also thankfully my money is safe.

I'm now heading towards the Inn that I got kicked out of. Now that I have my cash back I can finally get a place to stay.

As I turn the next corner the Inn was just in view. I noticed the Inn still have its light on. Doesn't this mean it's still open? If they're still open that means.

I can finally get a room.

After getting a room.


Rushing towards the mean, dragging cheetah boy through dirt, and mud.

I immediately open the front door with a loud bang. Catching the attention of everyone in the building, now looking at me. There weren't many people at the dinning lobby. I'm too tired to count but I can guess probably around 5 or 7 are staring. I walked towards the clerk who's dumbfounded at my entrance. I grabbed 10 silver coins out of my bag and slam it at the front desk.

"Get. Me. A. Room. Now." -Zeal

She was still unable to process what I'm saying. She was looking at the unconscious Cheetah Boy that I dragged.

I snapped my finger to get her attention. She finally came back to reality.

"I'm too tired to explain, so take my money, and get me a place to rest please," -Zeal

"What about him," -Clerk

She said pointing at cheetah boy.

I begin to feel drowsy, and my vision begin to blur.

Too tired. Sleep now, think later.

"Just take my money, as for this guy don't worry he's not dead. I'll pay for his room too," -Zeal

She nodded and accepted my money and gives me two room keys.

I grabbed both of them, and started dashing to the second floor. I walked up the stairs, and it's pretty hard since his room is also on the second floor.

I go to the door with the number, 208 on it. Unlocking the door, then opened it. I throw him on the floor and dispelled {chain of bondage}. I throw the key inside, then shut the door.

Since that's been taken care of.


I stomped towards my room, 207.

I used the key that's been given to me and unlocked the door. Upon entering the room, there in the corner.

A bed.

My face lit up in enlightenment. I ran towards it, and launched myself, landing my body on the comfortable, warm, bed.

Oh boy, it's been a while, best friend.

After a few second, the exhaustion embraces my body, causing me to fell asleep even deeper.

(Next Morning)———————————————————

Being Reincarnated is a PainKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat