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"Wanna hear how were gonna rebel against the king of Rwone," -Sarah

There was a moment of silence. My thoughts begin to wonder.

Rebel. Against the King?

"No offense but I doubt four people can manage a rebel against a kingdom," -Zeal

"Five including you," -Sarah

What the hell did I got myself into again?

"So the five of us here is gonna rebel against the King. Only five of us?" -Zeal

Sarah chuckled.

"Before that can't you at least treat my wound," -Zeal

I still have a broken leg, and arm.

"Done," -Sarah

She snaps her finger and two bottles of potion appears on her hand. She threw me one and the other at the spear guy.

"Pour the potion on your wounds and your good as new," -Sarah

I open the bottle with my mouth and poor it on myself. My arm and leg starts to glow and they fixed themselves. I need to know how to make them.

"Don't underestimate us. How about a self introduction," -Sarah

She spoke with a business women smile.

The man with armor took a step and introduce himself.

"Nice to meet ya! Thought your gonna finish me off there haha! The names Kalmin! I'm a mercenary. Pleasure to meet you!" -Kalmin

Loud and very energetic type of guy.

Next was cheetah boy.

"Bayu, ex-assassin, currently a scout and you better watch yourself," -Bayu

Paranoid and has trust issues. Gotta be careful with this one.

The guy wearing the robe steps up.

"Bradil. I work as a enchanter and has vast knowledge in crafting and of course enchanting. I specialize in support and the second wisest person in this group after guild master," -Bradil

Prideful and very confident with himself. I could use him.

And finally the boss lady herself.

"My name is Sarah, the clerk, and the guild master. Looking forward to work with you," -Sarah

She held her hand out for a hand shake.

I didn't shake it.

The most dangerous factor in my opinion. Probably the strongest within the group.

They all finish with the introduction and stares at me. Waiting for my response.

"Zeal... nice to meet you people," -Zeal

Sarah nodded and smiles. Has she always been like this when she was sitting on the desk.

"Now then any questions for us," -Sarah

"Ok this bonding moment is really great, but I might have to ask your armor guy to return my money," -Zeal

I raise my hand out for him to return it. He returned it to me with a goofy smile. I counted just in case he stole any. I give my attention to Sarah and ask her.

"Why do you people plan to take over the kingdom. What's your motive," -Zeal

Bayu gives me a stern look.

"Why does it matter to you," -Bayu

"There has to be a reason why you would like to take over. You can just call it a personal curiosity," -Zeal

Each individual made a face.

Bayu has a face of anger. Bradil was looking at the ground clenching his fist. Kalmin was rubbing his neck with a gloomy expression.

Sarah clapped her hand and give me a smile.

"Lets move on. Sorry Zeal but its a really sensitive subject. Maybe we can go back to it later okay," -Sarah

Seeing the atmosphere is a bit suffocating. I nodded in agreement.

"So what's the plan," -Zeal

Sarah snapped her finger. A map appears out of thin air. It spread itself out and reveals the entire area of the kingdom. There were lines that's been drawn to separate the kingdom into 5 different sections. Slave Market, the abandoned area, the commoner area, the noble area, and finally the restriction area.

"This is the kingdom of Rwone," -Sarah

She rest her finger on the map where the noble section is located.

"Our target is the king himself," -Sarah

"So assassination is what your going for," -Zeal

Sarah nodded.

"Well sort of, more like a set up. We're planning to make it look like it was an 'unfortunate' accident. Once the king is dead a new ruler will take its place," -Sarah

Sure killing the king and take the throne. Piece of cake am I right?

I sighed and continue to listen.

"How we gonna make this an accident is by dropping a chandelier on him. With 10 days from now a ball will be held congratulating the first prince's 18th birthday. The king will give a speech standing right below it. That is the moment when the accident happen. Pretty flawless plan right," -Sarah

She said with such a proud expression.

While mine was baffled and full of concern. You have no idea how many flaws I see in this plan. Did they plan this together? There has to be at least one person think this plan has a lot of set back. Was she reading the book at the front desk just for show.

"Wouldn't the king normally give a speech while standing near his throne," -Zeal

"He likes to show off his majestic figure from all angle so that people can fawn over how superior he is. And while he's at it he would pickup a few ladies," -Bayu

Wow isn't the king Narcissistic much.

"Then how do you suggest that we manage to drop the chandelier," -Zeal

"We are going to sabotage it,"- Sarah

"Sabotage it. How?" -Zeal

"That is where you and Bayu came into play," -Sarah

I looked at cheetah boy and he looked away in digust.

"Tch," -Bayu

This is going to be so much fun.

Being Reincarnated is a PainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon