At the Orphanage

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Sarah gives both of us a look of approval.

"I'm sure you two will get along just fine. The more you fight the closer you are," -Sarah

I sighed mentally and asked.

"Why do you need us to sneak in when you can just teleport there," -Zeal

"I can't just teleport anywhere I want. I can only be able to teleport where my rune is set up. Plus the palace has a pretty tight security. While both you, and Bayu have a high level stealth magic," -Sarah

"So why do you need me to sneak in," -Zeal

"I am getting there," -Sarah

She gives me a smile and starts to chant. A magic circle starts to form on the map. A hologram of the palace was formed on the magic circle revealing every layout of it.

"There is a underground tunnel that leads in and out of the palace. Bayu can show you the way. The throne room is protected by a barrier. In order to break through that barrier, a large amount of concentration and magic control is needed. Simply put it, Zeal.  You're the key to the throne room," -Sarah

"How am I the key?" -Zeal

"For the next few days Bradil will teach you everything about how to break a magic barrier," -Sarah

I glanced at Bradil and he crosses his arm, analyzing me.

He scoffed at me and looked at something else avoiding my glances.

This motherf#cker.

"So what do I get out of it, for helping your crusade?" -Zeal

"I'll provide you with Enough money to set you up for life," -Sarah

My eyes widen at the word 'money'.

Did she just say she has enough money to set me up for life. I looked at her face to check if there's any signs of dishonesty.

Not a single speck of lie.

I bow down on one knee and put my right hand on my chest.

"Your wish is my command my lady!" -Zeal

I spoke with greed in my eyes.

"Well then I guess we're settled, we'll meet up tomorrow for your training," -Sarah

What? That's it? So we just talked about overthrowing the king and just schedule another meeting just like that?

Sarah looks at my face and chuckles.

"You probably need a place to stay don't you? How about staying at Bayu's place," -Sarah

"No way in hell! Why can't he stay at your inn!" -Bayu

He said in full retaliation. To be fair I would also wouldn't want to stay under the same roof with the person who could potentially murder me in my sleep.

"You guys were on the wrong foot when you first met. It's important for you guys to cooperate, since you two are going to infiltrated the Royal Castle together," -Sarah

"I can manage the preparation myself, why would I need a psychotic stranger's help?!?"-Bayu

"Because it's a two people job. The Royal Castle are filled with guards and mages. No matter how skilled and stealthy you are. You're gonna need an extra pair of hand and eyes," -Sarah


Sarah put her finger on Bayu's lips and smiles.

"No buts, and that's final,"-Sarah

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