All About Me

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My name is Ashley. I'm 14 years old and I hate my life.

I have four sisters and three brothers. I'm the youngest.

My sisters' names are Melody, 15, Tia, 17, Malia, 18, and Melissa, 20, Kaplan and my brothers' names are Nathan, 21, Monti, 22, and Avi Kaplan, 25.

My brothers Nathan and Monti are in college and my other brother, Avi, is a member of the acapella group Pentatonix. He's the bass.

I live with all of them. My mom and dad are in the Airforce so we don't see them much.

We are the only family we got.

I think sometimes my sisters hate me but my brothers adore me. Nathan and Monti love me just as much but I think Avi loves me the most. I love all my brothers just the same, though.

Sometimes, I get in trouble at school. I get bullied a lot so I threaten people.

I only use it as a defense mechanism to make people leave me alone.

It's a way of telling people if they don't leave me alone, they're gonna face the consequences.

I cut myself, stab myself, stick myself with needles, burn myself (ice, fire, and erasers), binge, and starve myself.

I'm schizophrenic and have major anger problems.

I have depression, sleep insomnia, and anxiety. I cry myself to sleep every night because of how miserable my life is.

I write depressing songs and stories. I push people away because I'm afraid of being judged.

I push people away because I'm afraid they'd leave me broken hearted and use my secrets against me.

I don't sleep a lot but when I do, I have nightmares.

I try to isolate myself as much as possible but Avi won't let me sometimes.

He worries about me. I'm just glad he's my brother.

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