My Fault

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*Avi's POV*

I don't know what to do anymore. Why would Ashley do this? How did the press know about Ashley?

I'm not mad at her, I'm just mad at the situation.

It's like for no reason our life just decided to fall apart all at once.

I seen how Ashley looked at me. It was a look of sorrow and sadness. A look of guilt and worthlessness.

I really need to go back and tell her.

As soon as I turn into Ashley's room, I see red. All red...I couldn't move. It was like my feet was glued to the floor. Nathan and Monti rused in behind me to help the doctors and nurses stop the blood pouring down Ashley's arm.

"Are you just gonna stand there and watch your little sister die or are you gonna help us?!", Nathan yelled, snapping me out of my trance. I rushed to Ashley's side and held the oxgen mask to her face.

It was so pale. Her skin was cold and almost a bluish color. I cried as they tried to stop the bleeding but it wouldn't work.

"We need to take Ashley to the ICU.She's losing too much blood in too little time. We have to perform surgery and now",

The doctors took Ashley immediately and left to go operate. And there I stood, shaken and horrified, knowing that this is my fault.

"Ashley.." I whispered.

"Avi..this isn't your fault", Nathan said.

"THE HELL IT ISN'T!" Monti yelled. Obviously he agreed with my thoughts.




"No..", I said. "Let him yell at me, he's right. It's my fault."

"Just stop," Nathan said. "We all just need a little time to think"

Nathan grabbed Monti and they left the room with me following behind but not following them.

People were cleaning the room so I had to step out. I don't know how to make this up, I mean, I basically killed my little sister.

I wasn't going to call anyone else because they would've flipped out, in the bad way. I tried my best to calm down and went to the restroom.

I cleaned the blood off of me and just sat there crying. I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't know why she was doing this to herself.

I understand me yelling at her and our parents dying but what's her excuse for before all this happened? She let people beat her up and hurt her and she cuts herself and burn herself. I don't know where all of this is coming from.

I looked at myself in the mirror at was disgusted at the creature staring back at me.

'I have priorities and I'm sitting here crying', I mentally told myself. 'What kind of weakling am I? I have a family to take care of. I don't have time to be sad. I have to focus on this family first and my emotions at a different time'

After my mental pep talk, I walked out of the bathroom. I hadn't realized how long I been in there because a good hour and a half passed since I went in there.

I looked around and saw Monti and Nathan nowhere. I shrugged and stood in front of Ashley's former room.

I sighed and decided to step in. I opened the door and a breeze of Pinesol hit my nose like a sledgehammer. I went to sit on the now clean bed.

"The room still smells like her", I said to myself.

"Yeah, it does" a familiar voice said. I cringed as I identified the voice as Monti.

I turned around to see Monti and surprisingly the doctor.

I stood back up and looked at them as my body tensed. Monti walked over to me and I closed my eyes expecting a punch to the face or to the gut, but the blow never came. Instead he placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him.

"I'm sorry", he simply said. We hugged and then the doctor stepped toward us.

"Ashley will be okay. When she wake up and get healed, probably after tomorrow we will put her in our psychiatric unit to be under surveillance"

"How long will she be there?", I asked.

"Most likely two weeks to a month, depending on how well she do"

I nodded my head. 'Two weeks to a month', I thought. 'Well I'll visit her every single day'

We all walked out of the room and say Nathan sitting in a chair across the hall with an IPad. I heard him playing music.

Many people stopped to listen and so did I. He was playing the piano app I showed him a while ago. He was playing Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. It was beautiful. It set my mind and my nerves at ease.

I looked around the room. People were swaying with the music and smiling and having fun and it was peaceful. Not even the few babies in the room where doing anything. They seemed to either just sit and listen and giggle or they were asleep.

It warmed my heart and gave me an idea. I left Monti and Nathan in the front but I took the doctor and asked him to show me to Ashley's room. He did as I asked and took my spare IPad with me.

I had the same piano app Nathan did. I know Ashley loves classical music. I walked into her room and saw her on breathing tubes and an oxygen mask. I saw the IV impossibly in her arm.

Her breaths were short and ragged and her heartbeat was irregular. It kept slowing down and speeding up as if it wanted to give up.

I almost cried at the sight. I walked over to her bed and sat beside her. I looked at her bandaged arms. I kissed them softly and looked at her. She looked so tense. I kissed her cheek as well.

She seemed to loosen up a bit. I sighed and opened the piano app. As I waited for the app to load. Monti and Nathan walked in. They looked at Ashley and almost turned pale. I know the feeling.

None of us ever seem Ash this way. It was heartbreaking and we still had so many unanswered questions but for right now I just brushed it off and started playing Moonlight Sonata.

Monti and Nathan grabbed a chair and sat beside Ashley and I. Nathan joined and it sounded amazing. I know I was playing it but it set my mind and body back at ease. I hear shuffling and looked toward Ashley.

She was moving around only a little but her face and body relaxed and her breathing became stable and her heartbeat stabilized as well. This made me more than overwhelmingly happy.

I thought I should tell the doctor that musical therapy will be good for her. I looked at Monti and Nathan and they saw what I saw. They're reaction was adorable. They looked just like Ashley and it was more than cute to watch my little brothers act that way.

We finished the piece and looked over at Ashley. Just around the last few notes, her eyes had fluttered open and smiled lightly.

But that smile soon faded away as she turned her head. I went over to her bed and kissed her cheek. She looked at me and I gave a fake, weak smile. Then she broke down.

She hugged me tight around the torso as if it would save her life. I let a few tears fall down my face but the rest I just swallowed and held her.

"I'm so sorry" she whimpered out.

I shook my head, "No Ashley, I'm sorry"

Ashley just sat there crying until she fell back to sleep and I fell asleep right next to her.


Hey everyone. I'm so sorry it took so long to update but I've been going through a lot and I will update a bit more even though I'm kinda sick. But I hope you liked this crappy chapter and please vote and comment.

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