The Problems

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I went in my room and locked the door since no one else was home yet.

I laid on my bed and cried.

After what feels like forever, I stopped crying and sat up.

I needed to release the stress, somehow other than crying.

I reached over to my night stand and got out, what I call, my 'Stress Box'

I opened it up and saw all of my things; razors, blades, needles, knifes, lighters, erasers, and lotions.

I use the lotions for scar erasers  and skin healers.

I got out one of my blades. It was big and sharp.

I rolled up my sleeve to my elbows and placed the blade on my wrist.

I dug it in my skin and slid it across, making a deep, bloody cut.

I looked at it and sighed. It kinda made me feel better so I kept cutting.

I eventually went up my arm and switched arms and did the same.

When I was done, I went to my bathroom and rinsed the blood off.

I wrapped my arms and wrists in gauges then pulled down my sleeves and laid back down.

I put my headphones in and fell asleep to Christina Perri's album Lovestrong.


*Mitch's POV*

Kirstie, Kevin, Scott, Avi, and I sat in Avi's living room talking about Ashley.

"So what are you gonna do about her?", Kirstie asked.

"I'm not sure", Avi answered.

"Are you gonna tell the principal?", Kevin asked.

"I think he already knows but he doesn't have any proof so he don't know who's hurting her"

"The school don't have cameras?", Scott asked.

Avi shook his head.

"What the hell kind of school doesn't have cameras? Like, seriously, every school has cameras", I said.

Avi sighed and said, "I know but it's nothing I can really do about it"

Everyone was silent. Avi looked up and I could tell he was gonna go check on her so I offered to do it.

"Scott and I will go check on her", I said grabbing Scott and walking upstairs before he could object.

We walked upstairs and knocked on Ashley's door. There was no answer.

I knocked again and once again, there was silence.

I looked at Scott and he motioned for me to open the door.

I went in and saw Ashley sleep with headphones in.

'That explains why she didn't hear the knock', I thought.

I walked up to her and sat next to her.

I rubbed her head, kissed it, and smiled at her.

"She's adorable, isn't she?", Scott said more like a statement than anything.

"Precious", I replied.

I got back up and walked out the door with Scott following behind me.

All of a sudden, I felt weird as if something wasn't right.

I turned back into the room and wondered what was I feeling.

I walked back to Ashley and sat back on her bed closer to her.

I looked at her face and saw small tear tracks. They were dried but I can still see them a bit.

"What's wrong?", Scott asked.

I rubbed Ashley's soft, black hair and said, "She's been crying"

Scott kneeled in front of her and looked at me.

"How do you know?"

"If you look closer, you can see the tracks of her tears"

Scott looked at her and saw them. He rubbed her cheek and softly kissed it.

I did the same as Scott pulled me off the bed.

"Come on", he said, "She'll be fine. Just let her sleep"

I let Scott drag me out of the room as I closed the door and went back downstairs.

"Is she okay?", Avi asked.

"Yeah", I sighed, "She's asleep but you could tell she was crying sometime before she went to sleep"

"She'll be alright though", Scott reassured Avi.

He sighed and looked down.

All of a sudden, we heard car doors slam and someone used a key to unlock the door and come in.

It was Malia and Melissa.

"Where have you been, doofus?", Malia shouted.

"None of your buisness, asswipe", Avi shouted.

'Oh fuck', I thought, 'This isn't gonna be good'

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