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The rest of the class was a bore. I wanted to fall asleep.

After English class, I had spanish class. I sort of liked spanish. It's fun and interesting.

There's only one thing wrong with that class though, Patricia is in that class.

She's a bully and she knows nothing about spanish even though her name comes from the Latin origin.

She dumber than a sack of rocks on crack. She makes everyone else do her homework and she psychically and mentally bully people.

I walked in class and went to my seat in the back.

I have backseats in all my classes. I hate being in the front.

Patricia walked in and skipped to me.

"Hey emo bitch", she said, "I see you don't have your clown make up on today"

I glared at her and rolled my eyes.

"What do you want Patricia?", I said.

She quickly grabbed me by one of my gauges I just got done last week.

They were still sore and a little red and swollen.

I screamed as she pulled my ear toward her.

"Listen bitch, I was just saying hello. Now if you wanna play the evil game, we'll play the evil game but I will win, understand?"

I manged to whimper out a yes so she could let me go.

She ended up flinging my head and it hit the wall behind me.

I seethed in pain as she walked away. The teacher walked in the room along with the rest of the class.

"Take a seat class. We have a lot to do today", Mr. Nelson said.

*55 minutes later*

"How do you say 'You are tall, skinny, beautiful, and shy' in spanish talking to a girl?", Mr. Nelson asked.

I raised my hand and he called on me.

I may be shy but I love spanish and I'm super smart.

"Tú eres alta, flaca, bonita, y tímida", I answered.

"Correct. Very good Miss Kaplan and yes you are", he said.

I smiled and sat back happily in my seat.

"Look at Ashley", Patricia said, "She's blushing. Next she's gonna let Mr. Nelson hit"

The class laughed and I looked down at my hands.

"Patricia", Mr. Nelson shouted, "That's highly inappropriate. I'll make sure your father hears about this"

Everyone knows that the principal, Mr. Longing, was Patricia's dad.

It doesn't really help though. All her father do is take $10 from her allowance.

Patricia's family is rich and her dad actually own and built the school.

Patricia grunted and glared at me as if it fault.

She mouthed, 'I'm gonna get you'


That means I have to hurry to the next class.

The bell rung and I thought, 'Oh shit! Run!'

I hurried out the class and ran through a flood of people.

I stopped in the study hall and waited until everyone was out of the hallyway.

As soon as I turned the corner, I felt something hit me in the face and I hit the floor.

I sat up and rubbed my face.

"In a hurry, are we?", someone said.

"What are you running from?", another voice said.

Oh no.

They were Dimond and Neke, Patrica's friends.

I looked up and saw them standing over me, Neke with a textnook in her hand.

I glared at them but they just laughed.

I heard footsteps coming up behind me and saw a shadow over me.

I looked up and it was the wicked witch of the west, Patricia.

"Were you running from me?", she asked.

"Just leave me alone, Patricia", I said.

"What did we tell you about running?", Dimond threathened.

"But I didn't even do anything", I defended as I tried to get up.

Before I was fully up, Patricia's fist came flying to my face and I hit the floor again.

I didn't even get a chance to look up before Patricia and her friends started pounding on me.

I screamed and balled up as they kicked and punched me.

All of a sudden, the hits stopped and I heard them running away.

That meant a teacher was coming.

I sat up and dusted dust off of me and straightened my clothes.

I saw Mr. Longing run up and reach his hand out.

I flinced as a reflex, me thinking he was gonna hit me.

"Are you okay, Ashley?", he asked, pulling me off the ground.

"Yes. I'm fine", I said through my teeth.

"What happened?", he asked picking my books up as well.

I couldn't tell. Patricia would kill me, literally.

"Nothing", I lied, "Just got trampled on the way to class"

He looked at me suspicously and said, "Ashley, are people bullying and fighting you?"

I gulped and studdered a 'no'.

He looked at me harder and then turned away.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class", he said.

I followed Mr. Longing to my history class.

"Are you injuryed at all?"

"No, just have a headache"

He nodded and walked me into the class.

I went to sit and Mr. Longing took Mrs. Robinson into the hallway.

After about 30 seconds, she came back in and wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

It read: 'The principal said it's okay if you lay your head down and sleep this hour'

I did as I was allowed and fell asleep thinking about how much I'd love to kill Patricia and her friends.

'One day', I thought, 'One day I'm gonna get them'

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