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"Okay so I've had this idea-" YuYan pulled out her new script book, "the play will be called "Happenings in our regular town". It will have comedic elements but it's a rather dark story," YuYan explained as she showed Zeren a page of her notebook.  

The duo was seated at their school's library. No students stayed in school at this hour, but YuYan and Zeren had the permission to do so.

YuYan has been thinking of a play throughout school hours. At break, she wrote down all she could about the idea. The play, which she called "Happenings in our regular town", is about a town that seems regular, but strange, evil things happen there without anyone's knowledge.

"We will have three main characters, two men and a lady. We will also have five other characters, these will be decided by who wants to join acting in the play," YuYan explained her layout to Zeren.

Zeren nodded, taking in her plan.

"The plot is incomplete, but I'll just read what I have so we can add more," YuYan excitedly read and explained the plot she had in mind.

Zeren listened to what she said quietly. He had never seen someone so excited about writing plays before.

It reminded him of his old self.

The past Zeren who was very enthusiastic about dancing. This girl knows nothing, he thought. She doesn't know that all this enthusiasm will soon result in her downfall.

Zeren and YuYan discussed events and plot twists to make the story more exciting. Zeren seemed to open up a bit to his seat mate. He threw lame jokes occasionally, earning stifled giggles from YuYan.

Plotting a play is fun, at least with her, Zeren thought to himself, smiling unknowingly.

"You should smile more," YuYan commented, turning Zeren's smile upside down.

"No," he simply said.

"I don't want to be nosy, but why?" YuYan placed her pen inside the script book and closed it, directing her attention to Zeren.

"It's none of your business," Zeren replied dryly, as if he wasn't laughing and messing around with YuYan a few minutes ago.

YuYan shook her head at his sudden character switch, "never mind then. What do you think we should do about the florist?"

Soon, the sun began to set. A finished plot laid within the pages of YuYan's script book.

Zeren and YuYan prepared to leave the library.

"Hey, by the way Zeren," YuYan turned back, just as she was about the turn the doorknob.


"I want you to act as one of the main characters in the play. Bye now~" she grinned mischievously as she exited the library, leaving a very confused Zeren behind.

On his way home, Zeren thought about his afternoon spent with YuYan. He didn't know what happened there, but he was sure his heart was beating fast.

That girl conflicted him.

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what do you guys think about a special chapter dedicated for the play??

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