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ChengCheng sat expressionless in front Sohye who was trying her best to create a conversation with him, "so, umm, how is your day by far?"

"Meh," ChengCheng shrugged. 

"Okay," Sohye nodded as she busied herself with her hands. 

She arrived in China two days ago and she has received a warm welcome from everyone so far. 

Except for ChengCheng of course. 

Sohye wasn't an oblivious girl, ChengCheng's behavior didn't go unnoticed by her. It was obvious that he was forced into this arrangement and he was doing everything possible to make that even clearer. 

His attitude upset Sohye a lot. She opened up to him but ChengCheng couldn't seem to do the same. 

There must be something I don't know about this arrangement, Sohye thought as she looked at her partner. 

The two sat in silence until a waitress came with Sohye's order. She placed a large cinnamon roll on their table with a smile, "enjoy your food!" 

"Thank you," Sohye smiled warmly, "can I have a small plate please?"

"Of course," the waitress rushed to get a plate and give it to the girl. 

"Thank you again," Sohye smiled as she received the plate from the lady. 

"No problem, enjoy your treat!" The waitress gave them a small bow and left. 

ChengCheng eyed Sohye curiously as she took a knife and cut the cinnamon roll in half. His eyes widened when the girl placed that half on the plate and gave it to him. 

"It'll be awkward if I ate alone," the girl smiled sheepishly. 

ChengCheng just stared at her blankly, the scene from his first date with YuYan played in his head. He was exactly in YuYan's position. 

Not receiving any response, Sohye started eating her half of the cinnamon roll silently. 

ChengCheng didn't touch the food in front of him instead, his eyes roamed around the store. Something made him look at two people standing nearby. It was a girl and a boy, and they were looking for a place to sit. 

He couldn't see the girl's face since she was giving him her back, but he felt like he knows her. ChengCheng decided to stop staring at the couple and looked at another direction. 

Coincidentally, his eyes went back to them and he met the boy's eyes for a few seconds. 

Zeren? Isn't he YuYan's seat mate? ChengCheng thought. 

He felt Zeren stare back at him with much hatred, so he diverted his gaze away from him.

Just at that moment, the girl turned her back and her face was visible to ChengCheng. 

YuYan? What is she doing here? ChengCheng bit his lip nervously, I hope she doesn't notice me here. 

He couldn't help but stare when he saw Zeren put his arm around YuYan's shoulders and drag her away. His shock was pretty clear as it made Sohye look at him worriedly. 

"Is there something wrong?" She asked.

"N-No," ChengCheng shook his head quickly. 

"Are you sure?" Sohye had a concerned look in her eyes. 

"Don't worry, I'm fine," ChengCheng muttered his reply. Sohye decided not to ask more but she stared at her partner weirdly. 

"I have a question," she said abruptly, grabbing ChengCheng's attention. Sohye took a deep breath before asking a question she was trying to avoid, "Did you have a lover before I came along?"

Sohye's question took ChengCheng off guard. He hesitated as he tried to find a proper reply, "I... well, umm."

"It's okay, just tell me honestly," Sohye smiled encouragingly.

"Well, you can say that I did," ChengCheng admitted sadly. 

"Aha, I see. I was never told about that," everything made much more sense to Sohye now. 

Her family never told her that ChengCheng had someone. If she knew, she wouldn't have accepted the arrangement. 

Sohye wouldn't break two lovers apart, not even for her family's company. 

She looked at the boy in front of her, his attitude made sense now. He was heartbroken and Sohye knew exactly what to do. 

"I don't want to keep this going on. If it's not going to work out, it's not going to work out. It was nice knowing you Fan ChengCheng," Sohye stood up and extended her hand for a shake, a warm smile drawn on her lips. 

ChengCheng looked at the girl curiously as he stood up to take her hand in a shake. "Go to your lover ChengCheng, I'm not part of this agreement anymore," Sohye's words made ChengCheng stare at her with a dumbfounded expression. 

His mind started to process what was happening and a grateful smile replaced his past expression. "Thank you," he grinned, feeling all the joy in the world. 

The girl gave him a light nod and left the table silently. She found her way to the store's door and exited with a small smile on her face. 

Sohye was a warm-hearted person, and bringing two hearts back together made her happy. She would never live with herself if she knew she was the reason a couple broke apart. 

Her parents will surely understand her change of mind. 

Sohye found her driver waiting for her outside of the store so she headed towards the car. Once she got in, the driver started driving her back to the hotel. 

Midway, Sohye pulled out her phone and dialed her mother, "Mom? I'm going back to Korea."

- - - - -

I kinda missed ChengCheng so...

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