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"Hello Dinghao! Hello Quanzhe!" ChengCheng approached the two who were lounging by the lockers at the end of the school day. 

"Hello ChengCheng," they chorused. 

"How are you two?" He smiled. 

"We're good," Dinghao replied as he closed his locker, "YuYan is in the classroom by the way."

"Oh really?" ChengCheng looked at the classroom door not too far away. 

"You can go check up on her. She's copying some notes from Zeren, I guess," Quanzhe said. 

"I'll go see her, see you guys later," ChengCheng excused himself and slipped into the classroom. 

The class was empty except for the farthest table in the back. ChengCheng saw YuYan look up from her notebook at him as he stepped into class, "hello~," she smiled cutely. 

Zeren looked up from the sketchbook he was busy with to see who entered class. He caught a glimpse of the boy before he brought his attention back to sketching. 

"Hello~," ChengCheng greeted YuYan as he came near their table, "What are you doing?"

"I'm just copying some notes from Zeren, I have two sentences left, wait," YuYan said as she jotted some words down. 

ChengCheng took a seat at the desk in front of them and directed his attention towards YuYan.

"Done!" YuYan clicked her pen and closed her notebook shut. 

"Thank you so much Zeren," she handed Zeren his notebook and he muttered a low 'no-problem' as he took his notebook from her.

"I need to go to ask our history teacher something, I'll be right back!" YuYan left the two boys as she skipped out of class. 

ChengCheng stood up and gathered all YuYan's belongings, tidying and preparing them so she can put them in her bag immediately. After being done, ChengCheng went to back to being silent. 

He looked at the boy who was busy drawing on a sketchbook, not minding ChengCheng's presence. If he's YuYan's seat mate, I don't see why I shouldn't get to know him, ChengCheng thought.

"Umm, hi," he cleared his throat. 

The boy's head shot up and he looked at him weirdly, "hi?"

"My name is Fan ChengCheng, and you are?" ChengCheng's tried to start a conversation. 

"Ding Zeren," Zeren answered as he looked back at his sketch book. 

"So, you and YuYan are seat mates, right?" ChengCheng was trying to keep the conversation going. 

"Yes," Zeren replied shortly. 

"Aha," ChengCheng nodded, running out of things to talk about. 

"And you? You're her fiancé, right?" Zeren asked bluntly. 

"Haha yes," ChengCheng rubbed the nape of his neck, a shy blush creeping up his cheeks. 

"Do you love her?" Zeren asked abruptly, looking directly at the flustered boy in front of him. 

"I wouldn't say I love her, but... I like her," ChengCheng managed to say with Zeren's piercing gaze. 

Zeren closed his sketch book and stood up, "take good care of her," he said before exiting the class, leaving a confused ChengCheng behind. Seconds after Zeren left, YuYan came back to the classroom. 

"Come on ChengCheng, let's go," She took her things from her table. 

"Sure," ChengCheng smiled warmly and let his arm slither around her shoulders.

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