Chapter 3 "Gone" or "Gonna"

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Laura' s pov

I was just looking at him. He was sleepy, but he was a little nervous. We were now in the hospital. 

Ross: I can't believe this is the end... 

Laura : You know it's not! Keep strong. I know you will be OK. Say what you always told me! 

Ross didn't say anything. I started crying harder. He thought that there was no reason for me to try heal him. He was like " I love you... Let me pass away!". But I was like "Stay strong no matter what." 

Ross: I am very proud of you... You gave me kids and your love. 

Then, the doctor came in. He was pretty happy. 

Doc: Hello, guys! I'm so glad to finally meet you, Mr Lynch! You too, miss. 

Ross: Is it bad, doc? Nice too meet you too. 

Doc: it isn't that bad, buddy. We need to take that thing  from your body. Understand? 

Ross: yeah, I'm not a little kid. 

Doc: wanna go now in the surgery? 

Ross: can I have 2 minutes? 

Doc: you have to 2 minutes left. 

Doc got out and left us alone there. 

Laura: Are ya crazy?! 

Ross: I have to make the surgery. Laura, please, if it doesn't work, maybe is better. 

Laura: what are you even saying?! Ross, it will work. And I won't give up on you, no matter what happens. 

Ross: I promise I won't make you feel guilty or something anymore... I am the guy who makes you feel like shit. 

Laura: Rossy...? Know something? You make me feel like I am in heaven. Never ever think you make me feel like shit. 

Ross: So, we have one minute left. 

Laura: that's not the way I pictured seeing you going in the surgery... 

Ross: I have a few things to say before I go there... I love you and I will never stop, even if I die. You, my lady, are my wifeeee and I support you in every way I can. And I am truly sorry for all the trouble I created. Just let me pass away if it is the time. And then never think about me as the perfect guy who left you. Think about me like I wasthe guy who loved you the most. I can't imagine my life without you. And, I am not a perfect guy. 

Laura: of course you are, Goldy. 

Doctor came back in. 

Doc: you kids are very sweet, but we have to make you sleep, Mr. Say goodbye. 

Ross: So, keep all I told you in your mind. I guess this is my last day if I don't... Well, keep strong! Laurie, I love you. Now, Good Bye. 

Laura: Bye, Rossy. I love you too... 

We hugged and kissed. Ross was still blooding a little, but not too much. Then   we pulled away. We had to say goodbye. Doc took Ross in the preparation room for surgeries. I went back home. Ryan was still sleeping. Emma was too. I got in my bed and I thought how much I loved him... But, a thought bothered me. Who and why did such a thing to him?! 

Ross's pov 

So, I got in a really bad mood after they took me away from Laura. The alcohol I drank was still in my blood. Well, at least I was still alive. 

Doc: Ross, Calm down, buddy! 

I didn't. 

Doc: Sel, give me the tranchilizer. 

Selena, a nice nurse, gave him the tranchilizer. He shooted in me. It was a gun with tranchilizers. He was shocked when I blancked out. 

Doc: what tranchilizer did you give me? 

Selena looked at them. She started shaking. 

Sel: the bear ones.....

Doc: what?! I can't believe it....! Really?! You never failed!!! 

Sel: sorry... Let's try to save him, at least... 

Doc: he's lost!!! 

Sel: his heart is still beating... 

Doc: I know why. He is fighting for Laura. 

Sel: that's cute, but help me! 

One hour later, I was still there, unconscious. They took that thing out of my body. But i don't remember all... All I remember from that moment was that I was betwe the worlds. I saw the heaven and the hell and the living world. I could hear some screams. And I knew exactly who was screaming. But, was it real or it was just in my mind? 

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Will Ross be OK? What if...? And who was the person who screaming? Was it just in his mind? Or not? 

Keep reading for finding out. 

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