Chapter 9 without you & lovely new couple

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Laura's pov

I was so scared and my heart was broken in million of picies. It's been only a few hours since Ross was in coma. Stormy was there too, trying to make me feel better. Ryan and Emma went home with Rydel and Ellington. But, I have some exciting news! Ellington Ratliff and Ross's sister, Delly, dated for like 4 years. And, yesterday, Ell finally proposed to Delly!!! But sadness was inside me  and it never let me go back to happiness. Ross committed suicide for me... He died for me... I will never forget this day, when the fear took control over me. 

Rydel's pov 

I think you know about me and Ell. Well yeah!!! I'm so excited!!! But, what happened to Raura was sad, but baby bro will be fine. He would like to see me and my husband and kids. It's also sad. Ross's life was, I guess, perfect. He had money, car, awesome house, doggies and especially his family. 

Ell : So, are you excited about this? 

Rydel : of course I am! We are getting married! 

Ell: but, I have a really important question.... The cake should be made of white or black chocolate? 

Rydel: that's the important question? And white. 

Then, I went to visit Laura. She was still beside Ross, even if he was in coma. 

Laura: HI, Delly. 

Rydel: What up? 

Laura: not well... The Boss said that he has only 1 chance of 100 to survive and get better. 

Rydel: who's the boss? 

Laura: he is a nice guy who owns this hospital. He is really sweet and he cares about his clients. 

Rydel: I think Ross would be jealous of what you just said. 

On Laura's face appeared a little smile. It was funny what I said. Baby bro gets really jealous when Laura says something nice about other guys. But, one question bothered me. I had to ask Laura. 

Delly: so, How's going with Emma and Ryan? 

Laura: Emma is devastated. She didn't want sleep last night. Ryan... He is better. He is more positive and he thinks that Ross is going to be fine. 

Delly: I'm so sorry for Emma and you. But, mabey he will get back to how he was. 

Laura: He won't! Doctors don't lie... I wish they did. 

She started crying hard. It felt awful. I had to hug her and that ade her feel better and she stopped crying. After 1 hour, I went back home. I had a surprise there. I saw Ell on the sofa with Emma and Ryan all over him, sleeping in silence. Ell was not sleeping. 

Delly: look who's having fun, while someone had to make others happier!? 

Ell: They just fell asleep a few minutes ago. 

Delly: Fine. Are you hungry? 

Ell: No. How's baby bro? 

Delly: Not good...laura is hopeless. 

Ell: such a sad thing, right? They were a happy family, but then, Ross's ex came and shoot him. 

Rydel: actually, she wanted to shoot Laura, but ross protected her. 

Ell: I understand the poor guy. I would do the same. 

Then, I kissed his cheek. He was really sweet. 

Ell: But... I have something more important to say... I planed our wedding. It's on 29 of June. 

Rydel: 29...Ross's b-day, just that his is 29 of December. 

Ell: Does it have to be a sad moment or a happy one? 

Rydel: Happy... But it's hard, cause Ross was part of my life, baby bro. 

Ell : I understand. I miss that dude too. 

Ross's pov 

DEATH ☠ is a scary thing... It comes with darkness and fear. I wasn't scared at all,just that I wasn't dead. I was between. I could hear Laura crying and talking to me to be brave. All the equipment kept me alive. If it wasn't on me I'll probably be dead. So, what did I do? I kept fighting. But, it wasn't really easy, cause death was stronger than me. My heart could stop in every second. I was in a horrible situation. A few years, I was in here too. When I wanted to commit suicide and go where my son is. But, Raini saved me. She met me there, where I wanted to die and she helped me. If she didn't save me, Emma and Ryan wouldn't be here and Laura would probably had marry other guy. Just that thought gives me a wrong feeling like "uhg". I could here the beeb machine and  it wasn't good. With every hour, the beeber started to tell something bad about me. 

Laura: oh no... This can't  be... No....!!! Pls... 

She held me and my hand. I wasn't scared,but I felt a cold wind. Then, the Beeber stopped. I could hear doctors running around me and trying to help me. I think they were all shocked. Laura was crying so hard and she was screaming for help. 

Laura: No!!! Help!!! Help!!! Save him!!! 

But, after all the work, doctors just said "let him die happily". Laura cried even more. She came next to me and she kissed me as a good bye. Then, out of no where, my heart just started to beat. The Beeper started making that noise again. Laura called the doctor back and he said something that made Laura scream of happiness. And thwn, she just hugged that guy. Even if I was almost  dead, I was jealous of that doctor. Hey, she can only hug me! 


Hey, guys! I'm back with a new chapter. This one is pretty scary,but all will be fine or not? Keep reading to find out. Hope you like it. 915 words + idk for this under chapter part = almost 1000 words. I know something that don't make me happy, but I have to tell you all. This story has to end,but the third part of the book will come soon,if I see you guys like this one. Thank you to some of you who really supported me and still believe in me. 😘 Wooh... So we have a total of 1012 words. 

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