Chapter 8 the drama

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The last two chapters are really important, so if you don't remember, read them again.


Ross's pov

When I saw who was looking at us, I just froze. It was Laura. I ran to her, with my arms ready to hug her,but she took off. I opened the door as fast as I could, but I couldn't see her again. Courtney came to me and played with my hair, how she used to do. It always calmed me down and she knew it. But, all I was thinking was what I'm going to do... And if it really was the end of Raura...

Laura's pov

I took off as fast as the lightning. I hid under a bush and I stayed there. I saw Ross calling me and looking for me, and then, Courtney came to him and played with his hair, like I always did when I was stressed. I got so jealous. I just stayed there and looked at them. Then interesting stuff started happening... First, I listened to a fight between them. It was so funny seeing Ross so aggressive and sad.

Ross: I need Laura! I can't live without her!

Courtney : well, I'm not sure if she needs you anymore... She seems really mad.

Ross: I just want her back... I need her...

Courtney : you said I made you happy when she made you feel awful. I can replace her.

Ross: no one can replace her! If you say something bad about her again, my AK will show you something.

Courtney : got it. Ok... So, I kinda see what's going on. I have to tell her that I am sorry. And, will you forgive me?

Ross: yes. I will, if you do that and repair all the things you messed up.

Courtney : ok. Deal! Love ya.

Ross: what? You still don't get it right... If you repair my life, I'll get back together with Laura.

Courtney : yeah... Yeah.

That yeah sounded like a death wish or something unexpected or a chaos. I was afraid. I don't know why. Then, they both came outside of the house and looked for me. Ross didn't give up on me. I had to tell him I was sorry and I wanted so badly to find a way to get into his arms. But, after a few moments, all the good time ended. I was right! Courtney never changed! She never wanted to repair what she messed up!

Courtney : She took off for ever, honey. I'm sorry.

Ross: I'm not giving up! If you don't want repair this, then go away!

So, she left. Ross set down on the stairs and he started crying. It was awful seeing him so hurt,but I couldn't just come back to him. I was still mad and I think I was thinking that Courtney was really pregnant. So, I listened to him crying. I was in pain.

Ross: what did I do?! I just ruined her life... My dear Laurie... And I broke my own heart forever...

Laura: Hey.

I got up and walked to him. I couldn't just resist. I was too painful seeing him like that.

Ross : hey... You are back...?

I looked at him and he looked at me. I opened my arms and he hugged me so tight.

Laura : I'm still mad at you! Is she really...?

Ross: No! It was a prank just to make us break up.

Laura: so, all is fine? Nothing going on?

After I said that, I heard footsteps. I turned back and...

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