Chapter 3

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"Blair, honey, you need to wake up."

I woke up to the sound of my mother a soft voice. I groaned.

"C'mon, Blair!" She said with a little more force.

"Okay, okay." I grumbled.

I slowly opened my eyes. Only to find that everyone was staring at me. I looked at everybody.

"What?" I asked.

My mom was the first to speak up.

"Blair, you have school today."

"Already!!What happened?!"

"You slept for two days straight." My dad said, finally speaking up,

"You don't remember anything?"

"No, not real-" I was cut off by my own groan when everything cam rushing back.

The talk. The wolf. Mates. Alphas...We're Werewolves. They're actually real. What about Vampires? Witches? Fairies? I had so many questions for my family.

"Hun," Mum started,"I know you have a lot of questions, but they will have to wait, you need to go to school."

"Okay." I replied.

I was surprised my friends haven't came around. Or maybe they did.

"Well,"my dad looked at me expectantly,"are you going to get ready?"

"Well, uh... You guys kind of need to get out." I pointed out to them.

"Oh...yeah...right." Was the reply I got from all of them.

When I got to school, I saw my friend Katie waiting out on the steps for me.

"Awwww! You waited for me!" I cooed.

"Of course, you dummie! Why wouldn't I! You never came to school for the first day! And you weren't here for two days!" She replied.

"I know, I just had some family problems."

I sniffed the air without her noticing, it was great to know the difference between human and were. And she was definitely a were.

"But of course, some people already knew and didn't tell me!" I accused.

"Im sorry!! I would've if I could've! You should know that!"

"I know, I know."


" friends aren't supposed to keep secrets."

"Ugh...How many times do I have to say thi-"

"Calm down! I was just kidding!"

Katie glared at me. If looks could kill, I would be 6 feet under. I rolled my eyes at her and walked into school. All eyes were on Katie and I. We were, of course, the most popular girls on school.

Katie with her chestnut hair and bright green eyes. Me with my natural blonde hair with blue-green eyes. We were both tan and tall. I was taller than Katie though. Perks of being an Alphas daughter. The glares were filled with envy, wanting and hate from the girls and lust, wanting and passion from the guys.

We walked past the wannabes. The ones with the too fake blonde with their true brown roots showing and with pink streaks, way too much makeup that made them look like a geisha. And they had the ugliest clothes ever made!

As we walked by, they gave us hateful glares. A part being, we are and always will the they prettier and popular pair. And most was because the hottest guys in school were trailing behind us. Brett and Brandon.

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