Chapter 8

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I had a great time with Hunter. He was so funny and sweet, Right now, we were running back to my pack house, well Hunter running, me walking. When we got there, I mindlinked my dad.

'DAD! I have two suprises. Come to the backyard."


He came out two seconds later. And growled at Hunter. Hunter and me growled back. My dad looked shocked, I had just growled at him, there was confusion in his eyes but quickly came to relisation.

'Sorry, dad, this is Alpha Hunter, and he is my mate.'

My dad bowed his head to Hunter as to say, im sorry. Hunter did the same.

I told Hunter to shift. We found some clothes, and went behind trees to shift back. When I walked back into the yard, Hunter was already there, talking to my dad.

They both turned to me.

"Congrats, baby girl."

Hunter growled when my dad called my that. I gave him a look and he gave me a sheepish one back.

"Sorry."He muttered.

I smiled at them.

"Thankyou!" I said  in reply to my dad.

Hunter butted in the conversation.

"With all due respect, Alpha Blackbrooke, I think you have some competition for fastest wolf." He said, smirking at us.

"Oh really? Well, We'll have to see about that. Shift." He replied.

"Oh no, sir, not me, but you're beautiful daughter here."


"Yeah, daddy!"

"Okay let's race... All around the world."

"You're on, Hunter, could you count for us please?"

"Ofcourse, babe."

I blew him a kiss before I shifted into my wolf and stood beside my dad.


Wow. My daughter was PURE WHITE with amazing blue eyes. I knew there was something special and different about her but I couldn't quite place it. Although I knew she was powerful, I could feel it coming off her in waves, plus she was taller than an average female, Hell, she was as tall as me, which is about the size of a fairly large horse.

"On your marks," Alpha Hunter started, " Get set, GO!!!"

We raced off and I didn't see Blair pass me, I looked back and didn't see her there either, I must of went ahead of her.

But 10 seconds later, when I was back in the backyard, Blair was already there, shifted back and fully clothed, and drinking a water bottle.

I looked at her in shock. How? I knew that white wolves were special, but I was still faster than the many of them I had raced before.

"We don't know." Both Hunter and Blair said.

"That's why I want you're help, daddy."

"Okay baby girl, I will search for some answers."

"Thankyou dad!"

"Anything for you." I replied with a smile.

"Well, why don't we head in my office and take a look."



So we headed inside where I told them that there was a secret spot and they could tell NO ONE.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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