Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Pack Doctor's P.O.V.

I have to admit, I was freaking out. Never have I EVER heard of an early shifter. Maybe the Pack Prophet, Macie, will know. She knows everything. As I was trying to figure out what to do with Blair, my mind kept wandering. This was so unusual. I shook my head and continued to brainstorm on what to do. Then it hit me. Mate. Alpha's offspring dont usually shift until they find their mate, or mark/mate someone else. I turned to her friends and asked,

"Do you anything about Blair having a mate?"

One of the girls stepped forward,"No, I know nothing of Blair finding a mate and she tells me absolutely everything."

Ah, so she must be Katie.

"Are you sure?" I ask cautiously.

"Yes! We're sure! Her life may be at risk! you think that we're joking!?"One of the twin boys, Brett, I think, exclaims.

"No. ofcourse not. But to be honest, I-" I was just about to tell them that I didnt know what to do when a strange, new boy rushed in with another guy, Anthony, leaning against his shoulder for support. Anthony's left leg was strangly out of place.

"Oh my!" I exclaimed,"What happened here?"

The new boy spoke,"We were playing basketball in P.E. class when some jock tripped Anthony and he landed on his leg weird."

"Alright, I just need to set it back into place and wrap it up. Anthony, you will need to stay here for a few hours. It should heal nicely,"I turned to the new boy,"Thankyou for helping him here Mr...."

"Please, just call me Hunter."

"Uh, what about Blair? You know, the unconsious girl. Who isn't supposed to shift until she gets a mate?" Rebecca said.

"Oh, Dear. Dont worry, this will only talk a second." I went over to Anthony, told him to hold on to the stress ball and carefully took hold of his leg. He winced in pain. I counted to three and CRACK! set his leg back into place. But that was after I heard Katie and Anthony whisper, "Mate" Great! Another distraction.

I quickly wrapped up his leg and as soon as I finished, Katie came running over asking if he was okay.

I looked over at Hunter and he looked like he just realized there was other people in the room. As he was looking around, his eyes stopped in Blair's unconsious form.

"Mate" he whispered. And he rushed over to Blair. Brandon Growled but backed off, knowing he was no match for Hunter in protective mode for his mate.

I quickly assesed the situation and took leadership.

"I need you guys to listen and listen good! I need to give Blair a needle to wake her up. Then, Hunter, she is goimg to shift and I need you to hold her hand and say encouraging words to her. But do NOT all speak to her at the same time. It will be too overwhelming. Ready?"

They all nodded. I took a needle and gave it to Blair. Five minutes later, she woke up, grunting in pain and screaming. Hunter was still clutching on to her hands saying things that only she could hear. Blair had just enough strength to look up at Hunter and say.

"Mate. Thankyou."

Then she shifted for her first time.


Hunter's P.O.V

The bell rang signalling class was over. I looked at my schedual. Great, P.E. with Coach Bosner. I hate P.E. I followed the directions on the back of my sheet to the gym. I quickly went into the guys change change room and saw an older male. Im guessing he's Coach Bosner. He looked me up and down in appreciation. Woah! Gay Pedophile alert! But I knew it wasnt that. I work out in my spare time to keep up with my six pack. Everyone drools over me. Including the guys, they wanna be me.

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