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This is the last author's note, I SWEAR. This is also important.

I've started editing and rewriting Never Ending to make the story longer and just better in general. Everything should be done being edited by the end of the month and published up to date.

The first 4-5 chapters are already newly published so you can check those out yourselves.

I've also decided to revive the sequel, Back For You, but I have an announcement... I'm renaming it Always Happening.

I don't have an estimated day for when Always Happening will be posted, but it will probably be end of May/beginning of June time.

I've also gotten out of writer's block and more into writing so there will be new chapters and books up this summer so keep a look out.

I think that pretty much wraps it up. I hope you enjoy what I'm giving.

Never Ending (in editing as of 2018)Where stories live. Discover now