chapter 7

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Samarya's  POV

The exams are still going on and seeing the condition of the classroom which is half deserted after the 1st group got finished,( by the way we have 2 groups to give) and my mind is like to run away from examination center. But I can't at this stage, He/She would be some fool who would run away after coming this close.

The stage can be described as in my words as: This is the near distance ie. Can be said 98% between me and my CA, The degree and exams so I can't leave like that, so just bang on.

And one fine day we talked like we really talked after 15 days
And before exams we exchanged our respective time tables.

So every morning I receive a good morning and all the best message on Instagram and I used to also text him.

And somehow somewhere I get a different happiness by reading his text but I know it is just attraction and can't help to stop it

we girls.....

And my exams are going yes just going because anyone can't say anything about these professional exams no one can predict about it's result.

Just one week more for completion of examination and will really screw each and every moment of it, because I know how I have being craving for going out.

And finally after some days the exams are going to finish and I will go anywhere I want and no one can stop me from going and I and nish will go around.

Aditya's POV

Exams exams and exams..

At this point if anyone asks about my life and love I would say it just exams. I see each and every dream about exams and I was joking and I know it was the lame joke.

And you know these are the side effects of the exams, kinda hangover of exams.

And finally exams will get over by next week and I will seriously sleep one day.

Because I love to sleep and if anyone comes in between me and my sleep he/she is third party to me and I am not hell concerned with them.

And what to say about Vihan the poor guy he has the exams but still I enjoy his situation you know the reason.

But I always text samarya about her exams, all the best and good morning. That's the most lean time. And I also get her message about morning and all the best

And it doesn't bother me that but still somewhere I feel connected to her whenever I talk to her, there is altogether a different mood, different atmosphere it's just all different not having words to express the feeling which I feel everytime.

But I don't know whether samarya feels same for me.

hope so...can't say

So just one more week between me and my sweet dear sleep.
Hello readers
How are you all?
Sorry for updating so late

Hope so you all will like it
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