The Funeral

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Chapter 2
(3 weeks later )
Rachel's pov:
It's been 3 weeks , 21 days and 30,240 minutes since my baby girl passed away and my heart is crushed . Is this god punishing me ? What did I do to deserve this ? I don't understand how this could happen . What did I do to deserve this ? I sat in my bedroom looking in the mirror . I was wearing a black dress with my hair up . After finding out I was pregnant Finn and I moved into a little shoe box apartment together . We had plans and now I don't know what to do with my life . I sat in the bed room and there was a knock on my door it was Finn .

"Hey honey, you ready to go?" He asked me coming into the room .

"Honestly I don't ever think I'll be ready." I told him .

He came in and gave me a hug and I cried .

"I am so sorry Rachel I know this sucks so much for you ." He said .

"I just don't understand, how could this happen ? Did I do something wrong , did I do something to deserve this ?"

"Of course not!" He said holding me ."We didn't do anything wrong , you didn't do anything wrong ." He added .

"I just never thought this could happen ." I said .

"I know me neither . Me neither"

"How do we do this Finn ?" I asked him .

He took my hand and said ,

"Together . We get through this together ."

I nodded and we left for the funeral.

(After the funeral)
When it was over I was in my moms kitchen cleaning up after the reception doing some dishes .

"Babe , you don't have to do that ." Finn said .

"No , it's okay . I want to help." I said .

He came closer ,

"Rach , I know you're exhausted go upstairs , get some rest ."

"I'm fine god damnit!" I said smashing the plate causing a cut on my hand .

"Oh god damnit !" I yelled .

Finn sat me down and got me a rag to hold on my hand . He went to the cabinet and got the first aid kit out .

"It's okay." He said and wrapped my hand up .


"It's okay to be angry and sad and heart broken . I know you are because I am too but please Rachel don't forget that I'm hurting too . That I need you too." He said .

I looked at him guilty and said ,

"I am so sorry Finny , I know you're hurting I just need time ." I said .

"What are you saying ?" He asked .

"I think I should stay with my mom for a bit , just until I can figure things out." I said .

"I don't understand, are you breaking up with me ?"

"No , I'm saving you ." I said and went upstairs .

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