Moving In

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Chapter 9
(3 months later )
Finns pov:
It's been 3 months since I've spoken to Rachel and since then my life has been nothing but partying and sleeping with random girls to fill the void of her being out of my life . I've been off and on with showing up to glee and it's at the point where Mr. Shue might kick me out if I keep going . Anyway I was on my way to work when I walked into the kitchen and saw Rachel ,her mom , and my mom sitting at the kitchen table talking .

"Hey mom." I said freaked out .

"Oh hey honey , good news Rachel is going to be staying with us for a couple of months ." She told me .

"why?" I asked .

"Well I'm going back to New York for a bit and Carol offered to help and let Rachel stay here." Shelby said .

"Oh okay." I said kind of pissed .

"Finn why don't you show Rachel to the guest room." My mom suggested.

"Okay." I said and I took Rachel to her room.

We got upstairs and I took Rachel to her room,

"So this is it ." I told her .

"Thanks ." She said with a slight smile .

"So um , how have you've been?" I asked her .

"I've been good , how about you?" She asked .

"Good ." I said .

"Well that's good ." She said .

"Yep." I said .

"So uh I guess I should unpack ." She told me .

"Yeah you do that." I said and left the room .

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