Just Tell Me

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LChapter 6
(2 days later ) d
Rachel's pov:
I haven't seen Finn in a couple of days , honestly I've been avoiding him . I hate having to see his face everyday because every time I do I think of what we lost . What I lost and it breaks my heart . I was outside coming back from my run when I saw Finn sitting on my front porch . I couldn't escape him this time I just had to face him .

"Hi." He said standing when he saw me

"Hi." I said coming up to him

"I uh , I wanted to stop by and give you this ." He said and showed me the box

"What is it ?" I asked him

"It's your stuff that you left at the apartment after you left . I kept it just in case you came back and you're back so ."

"Thank you." I said .

"You're welcome . Anyway I should go my mom is expecting me ." He said

I looked at the box as he started to leave .


"Yeah?" I said

"What are we ?" He asked me

"What do you mean?" I said pretending to be confused

"Don't play games with me . Are we a couple ? Are we just friends ? Are we even friends ? Because honestly I feel so confused about everything and I can't do it anymore ." He said

"Do what?" I asked

"This? Pretending like we weren't madly in love and that we didn't lose a baby . I can't pretend Rachel I'm sorry but can't ! I love you and I know you broke after she died but ..."

"Stop!" I yelled "stop, I don't want to talk about this now I moved on." I said .

"Then why won't you look at me ? Why won't you talk to me ? Why won't you see me anymore?" He asked .

"Because every time I see you I see Zoey !" I said in tears "I see our daughter Finn ! I see her in you and that's why I can't be around you ? You think I don't wanna be with you because I do but every time I see you I see her ! I see her in your eyes and I'm sorry but I can't be with you ." I said crying .

"You don't think I'm hurting too! You weren't the only one who lost their kid Rachel ! My god you're so selfish ! You left me ! You left me when I was in just as much pain as you ! How could you do that to me ? How could you just pack up and leave ?" He asked me .

I looked at him , his face was red and tears were streaming down his face . That was the first time I've seen Finn cry like that since the funeral . I took a deep breath and came close to him .

"I'm sorry Finn , you didn't deserve that and I'm sorry ." I said

"It's fine Rachel, I know you were hurting ." He said

I sat down on the step and he sat next to me ,

"How did this happen Finn ? How could we lose her ? Did we do something wrong ?" I asked him

"No of course not , sometimes things don't always work out like they should ." He said

I looked into his eyes for the first time . My heart was beating. I wanted to kiss him so badly but I knew I could . He leaned in ready to kiss me but stopped .

"Just tell me what we are Rachel ? Please." He begged .

"I'm sorry Finn , I wish I knew ." I said .

He looked at me and kissed me passionately and instantly I felt safe .

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