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Chapter 15
Rachel's pov:
After Finn stormed out I ran after him in the parking lot .

"Finn! Finn! Finn!" I yelled in the parking lot going after you .

"Just leave Rachel ! Go back to your boyfriend!" He yelled .

"What? Wait I don't have a boyfriend." I said .
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"Well then what did you say to August ?" He said .

"What are you talking about?" I said confused .

"I'm talking about the fact he wants you to be his girlfriend and the fact that you said yes already even though you said you needed time ." He said pissed

"How do you know all this? What are you stalking me ?" I asked .

"That's beside the point , I thought you were going to think about it ." He said .

"I am. I still thinking about it ! I haven't even said a word yet ." I told him .

"Then why did you smile when he whispered something to you?" He asked me .

"Because he was telling me how good you were during your performance and I agreed." I said pissed .

He suddenly calmed down ,

"Well that doesn't change the fact he asked you out ." He said .

I suddenly got so angry I took my fist and punched Finns truck hurting my hand .

"Fuck!" I yelled .

"Oh shit!" Finn yelled .

"God Finn , what do you want me to do? I've tried to be your friend but nothing is going to work with you because you can't accept I don't want you like the way you want me ." I said pissed .

"Then why are you out here ?huh! If you don't love me the way I love you then why are you here in the parking lot chasing after me ?" He asked me .

I looked at him and said nothing .

"You know what Rachel , I don't care if you go out with August or anyone for that matter because to be honest I deserve better than this ." He told me .

"Finn..." I said .

"I'm officially done with you Rachel." He said and left .

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