2am sitting in the dark

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Chapter 18
Rachel's pov :
I laid in my bed wide awake at 2am . All I could think about was Finn . I felt terrible about everything. He was the love of my life , more importantly he was my best friend , he's always been a good man to me and here I was hurting him , again .  The knot in my stomach was so big it felt like I couldn't move , like I was paralyzed. Suddenly I felt like I was back in that basement where my dad kept me for all those years . I shot up out of my bed and went to Finns room in tears .

Finns pov:
I was in my room starring up at the ceiling when suddenly I saw Rachel standing in the doorway silently crying and shaking . I got up and went over to her ,

"Woah, woah , Rachel what's wrong? You're shaking ." I said .

"Finn....I am ... so ... sorry ." She said crying , "I ruined everything... I hurt you .....and I lost our baby and.... I just wish I died in that basement ." She told me.

"Hey don't say that." I said.

"I'm a terrible person." She told me .

"No, Rachel look at me ." I said .

She looked at me .

"You are a wonderful person . You have so much to offer in your life . Please just know that ." I said .

"I choose you." She said .

"What?" I said .

"I love you Finn . I love you and all I wanna do is be with you . Please take me back?" She asked .

I looked at her , wiped her tears and gave her a hug .

"Come on, you can sleep in my bed tonight." I said and I brought her into my bed and she fell asleep with her arms around me.

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