I Need You With Me

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Chapter 20
(2 weeks later )
Rachel's pov:
It was a stormy night and I had just woken up from a nightmare covered in sweat . I got up and went down stairs to get a glass of water . When I got to the kitchen I turned the light on and sitting there was Finn drinking a glass of milk .

"Hey." I said

"Hey." He said .

"What are you doing up so late ?" I asked him.

"I could ask you the same ." He said .

"I had a nightmare , I just came down to get a glass of water ." I said .

"I couldn't sleep the rain was keeping me up." He said .

I grabbed a glass of water and said ,

"Well I should get back to bed , goodnight Finn ."

"Rachel wait ." He said .

I turned around and said ,

"Yeah ?"

"Can you stay up with me for a few minutes?" He asked me .

I looked at him , he looked panicked so I decided to stay ,

"Yeah ." I said and sat down .

Finn fiddled with his fingers and then said ,

"So , I heard you are still single ."

"Yeah , to be honest , I think I need to be for a bit right now ." I said .

"Why's that?" He asked me .

"Ever since I became free from my dad I've been in a relationship and now I don't have one and I think , just maybe , it would be good to possibly get to figure what I'm going to do with my life . Maybe I'll go to New York for college , or L.A . whatever it is though , I'm free ." I said .

He looked down and said ,

"I'm happy for you Rachel ."

I smiled ,

"For the time I feel happy to Finn ." I said

He took a sip of his drink and I took his hand ,

"So , what about you ? What are you going to do now ?"

"Honestly, I don't know , I don't know anything about my future and I'm scared." He told me.

"Don't be scared , you can do anything , you're Finn Hudson."

"I just don't know Rachel , everything used to be so clear and now I'm so confused ." He told me .

I got up and sat on his lap ,

"Hey , look at me , whatever you do you are going to be amazing ." I told him .

He looked at me and then suddenly but slowly he leaned in and we kissed passionately.

I pulled away quickly and got up ,

"I should go to bed ."

"Right , come on , I'll go too." He said .

We went upstairs and I got to my bedroom and he got to his . I looked at him from across the hall,


"Yeah Rach?"

"I need you with me ."

I don't know what happened to me but suddenly I felt my whole body give into my heart and before I knew it I spirited into his arms and kissed him passionately and he kissed me back . He shut his door as he carried me into his room and put me on his bed .

To be continued.....

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