Just Before

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    Chapter 1: Just Before

The only sound that could be heard in the smelly boy's restroom of Morris High School on Friday afternoon was the rushing sound of Thomas' dark yellow urine hitting the urinal. He stood close to the urinal, guiding his package and aiming properly. Using the restroom when no one is in there was the best thing for Thomas. He hated when dudes would peak over the stall to see his package and grunt when they realize it was probably bigger than their's. Thomas chuckled while thinking of the time he was in the restroom and a freshmen came up to him and complained about his package, wishing he was half as packed as Thomas. It was a while ago, but at least it shaved off 5 minutes of class time for him.


Jada leaned her back against the metal blue lockers with her arms crossed tightly in front of her chest. Encircling her was her ex-best friend, Daniella and her posse. Aniya was on her left, Ariel was on her right. Sarah and Daniella was in front of her. Jada was surrounded by people she knew didn't like her. 

Jada cursed to herself under her breath. She had only left the library to go to her locker to grab an extra pencil. She wasn't expecting to be find Daniella and her gang waiting for her. Jada had stayed after school to finish a school project with Thomas but he was currently in the bathroom. She glanced down the hallway, hoping she would see him coming out of the restroom and help her. But as seconds dragged along, it seemed like he was going to be in the restroom for a while.

What is he doing in there? Jada thought to herself. Ariel moves her head in front of Jada's view, snapping her back into the current situation she was in.
"Dani, even though we aren't friends anymore, I would never disrespect you by telling people what you did with Eric" She reassured Daniella.
Rumor had it that Daniella was sleeping with a guy named Eric. It was going around the school like a virus. If it was to get to Scott, Daniella's boyfriend, he'd probably break up with her. Although the rumors were true, she didn't need anyone in her business. Daniella's friends made it seem like since it was Jada who caught Daniella in the first place, it was her that told.  Daniella easily believed it since  Jada had been a target on Daniella's list since they stopped being friends.

"You're such a liar" Ariel said while rolling her eyes. She was waiting for the signal to punch Jada. Ariel never liked Jada since she came to the school and met Thomas.

"Ariel, you don't even know me." Jada retaliated. Ariel squinted her eyes at her and opened her mouth to talk

"Don't talk to her like that, you're talking to me" Daniella interrupted, stepping closer to Jada's face.

Jada bit her tongue hard as she looked in Daniella's piercing green eyes. "Please just leave me alone, I have stuff I need to finish," Jada said as calmly as she possibly could. She was truly lost for a way out.
The girls only snickered at her sorry excuse of trying to get out the situation. Jada should have known she wasn't leaving until Daniella got what she wanted.

"Look, she's scared"  Aniya said, a evil smirk plastered on her face.

"She ain't gonna do nothing " Ariel edged on.
Her fingers inching to punch Jada in the face. She hated Jada with every fiber in her body. But if someone was to ask why, she wouldn't be able to give an answer. She hated her because Daniella did.

Jada averted her gaze to Ariel. She wanted to do something so bad but that would only lead Jada to dealing with more problems. She was out-numbered and honestly terrified. Her heart was racing with each passing moment.
Jada sighed, relying on the very last option that had come to her mind; try to persuade Daniella.

"These people are not your friends, Daniella. These girls pry on your downfall. You should be watching their every move because-"
From the side of her eye, Jada saw Ariel fist coming straight for the side of face. But she was too late to stop it. The hit came at full speed on at her chin. She dropped to the ground just in time before the next blow to hit her. That one hit was the bell hat sounded the attack. All the girls came at full force against Jada. It was even more easier for Aniya and and Sarah since they really weren't good at fighting.

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