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Thomas' breath was caught in his throat. He couldn't move, he couldn't think. He couldn't even cry. The sound of Jada connecting to the rock was on repeat in his head. He regretted witnessing her fall. He regretted ever persuading Jada to come up to the cliff with him. Had he just listened to her when she said she did not want to go.

Is it my fault?

"Oh my gosh, what did you do?!" Ariel shouted. As much as she disliked Jada, she would have never done such a terrible crime as to kick her off a cliff. Ariel absentmindedly darted to the edge of the cliff, peering over, assuming to see broken bones and blood. But all she could see was roaring waves attacking the blood-stained rock. The waves attacked the rock until the blood had vanished, fading into the body of water.

Sarah's eyes darted around the water, desperately trying to find Jada's body but to no avail. It was like her body had done what her blood did and vanish.

Anger was swept away to allow reality to set in with Daniella. She finally came to her senses about what she had just done. Daniella covered her mouth before a sound could escape. She backed away from the crime scene, tears were threatening to spool out. She never really meant to actually kill Jada..and now she had done it.

The guys came fumbling over, completely oblivious as to what happened. confusion sat upon their faces, as they looked at the pale faces of Thomas, Daniella, Sarah, Anaya, and Ariel.

"What happened?" Scott questioned, hiking to Daniella to console her.

The tears finally rushed down Daniella's cheek, urgently trying to get away from the girl who killed her ex-best friend.

"It-it was an accident! I didn't mean to do it!" Daniella protested, gawking into Scott's dark blue eyes. She needed for him to believe her while she tried to believe it herself.

"What was an accident?" Scott replied, pulling his girlfriend into a hug. It was rare for Daniella to cry so it must have been something he had to do.

"she-she killed her." Thomas mumbled. he too was trying to comprehend the situation.

Jada is gone and I witnessed it.

It finally hit him. It felt like a pile of rocks had crushed him. No, it was worse than that. It felt like the entire Earth and Neptune had just collapsed on him. He stood up, contracting his fist as he started for Daniella.

"You killed her! You son-of-a-"

"Scott!" Daniella screamed as the raging teen came charging at her like like a bull. Scott quickly grabbed a hold of Thomas shirt.

"Calm down!" Scott yelled. Even though Scott was way more masculine than Thomas, he struggled to keep him at bay. He almost lost grip on his shirt.

"Calm down? She killed Jada! She kicked her off the edge of the cliff!" Thomas barked, pushing Scott off of him. His head pounded as his chest heaved up and down. His heart working hard to pump blood through his body.

"you're a murderer!" Thomas shouted as his entire face turned as red as the anger guy in the movie Inside Out.

The words hit Danielle hard.

She had been called a lot of names in her life, but she never thought she would be called a murderer.

Thomas finally came to his senses, pulling out his large iPhone and went to his keypad, dialing a number he never thought he would have to call.

"w-what are you doing?" Daniella asked Thomas, her life flashed before her eyes when Thomas came charging at her. She thought for sure he was going to kill her too.

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