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The Next Morning

Ariel couldn't believe her eyes.

"I'm back, whores!" Daniella shouted as she threw her arms over Anya's shoulders.
Just like Thomas, Daniella has been out of school for a while too. But their reasonings were different.

"Oh my gosh, Dani I missed you so much!" Sarah squealed, bringing her friend in for a hug. Over Sarah's shoulders, Daniella spotted Ariel at the end of the hallway, staring at her. Daniella smirked while motioning Ariel to come to her with her finger. Reluctantly, Ariel obliged, making her way towards Daniella.

"Hey, Dani. Where you been?" Ariel asked her.
"Long story." Daniella replied as she rolled her eyes.

"What happened with the chase?" Sarah asked her. Everyone had seen it on the news but it's nothing like getting the details from the person who was actually in it.

"They suspended my license and towed my car." Daniella said with a shrug. "But I'm not worried about it too much. My grandma said she's working something out so I can get my car back."

Ariel glanced down the hall just in time to see Scott walking their way. She tensed up but prayed that it wasn't visible. As Daniella blabbered on, Scott walked past, glancing at Ariel but not acknowledging Daniella's presence. Sarah and Anya instantly noticed.

"So you two aren't on talking terms?" Anaya asked, swinging her finger between Daniella and Scott.

"I broke up with him when I got back home from being in custody with the police. I deserve so much better than him." Daniella said, being careful with her words. She didn't forget what Scott had told her over the phone during the car chase. She was going to get revenge on them both but for now, she wanted to keep a low profile, especially with a case pending on her. That and if she was to attack Ariel and Scott too soon, they may snitch on her.

"Speaking of police, have they questioned any of you guys?" Daniella asked them.

"Yes, they came to my house every day for like a week because I didn't want to give up any information." Anaya said. "We didn't come up with any idea and you weren't answering your phone.

"My grandmother took my phone. She thinks that's the reason why I tried to run away." Daniella said while rolling her eyes. Daniella dug into her short's pockets and pulled out an iPhone 8 Plus.
"Fortunately, I have my back-up."

Hannah and Anaya smirked and the bell rung for school to begin.
"They haven't talk to me about that situation yet. The cops only been talking to me about my car chase. They ask me questions about whether or not I'm depressed and if that was attempted suicide." Daniella continued her conversation. She stopped caring about the bell a long time ago.
"Do you guys know if they talked with Thomas?"

The girls shrugged their shoulders. "Thomas hasn't even been to school." Anaya retorted. "So it's very possible that they did speak with him."

Danielle bit down on the inside of her cheek. She knew Thomas was going to tell the truth and mess up the whole plan. But hopefully, it would seem like Thomas is the crazy one if everybody said Daniella didn't do it.
"But what about Scott? You two broke up so he may-"

"I said I broke up with him. I didn't say I was done with him. He knows if he cross me, I'll cross him too." Daniella retorted.

"Ladies, let's get to class now." A security guard told the girls, walking up to them with his hands resting on his belt. The girls giggled but did what they were told. There was no point in making a big deal over nothing.

Ariel walked behind the group, Daniella seemed too nonchalant about the situation. Jada was gone and yet they were all acting like nothing had happened. Ariel was having nightmares about it every night since the incident. But she feared going to jail more than anything. Ariel knew she was not cut out for the jail life.

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