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Chapter 2: Upcoming

Three Months Later

"Front door"
The security system screeched as Jada stepped inside the dull corner store.

Rows of short shelves leaned on either side of her, filled with all sorts of snacks.
In the back of the store rested rows of freezers, keeping all sorts of refreshing drinking and ice cream nice and cold.

"Jada, hey what's up!" Shouted Lucas, the cashier.

"Hey, Lucas," Jada said, relishing his beauty.
He had shaggy brown hair that covered half of his eyes and his neck. Lips that were bright pink and seemed so delicate to touch..or perhaps kiss.
Jada snickered at the thought of kissing him. Lucas  frowned, watching her laugh randomly.

"You looking for Thomas or you came to buy something?"

Jada's mouth filled with imaginary butter as she tried to state her reason for coming to Rico's Liquor store. Her troubles had gotten worse after hearing the robotic system speak of someone else entering the store.

In a came a crowd of guys, she had recognized all of them because they went to her school.
They instantly broke into laughter when seeing Jada.
It had been exactly three months since the "fight" but the video had become viral in the school. Students still talk about it, each of them putting their own thoughts on why it happened.


"Dani, what is that on your shirt?" Daniella's boyfriend, Scott asked deviously. He tilted his head and furrowed his brows to make it all sound believable.

" What? Get it off of me!" Daniella screeched as she aimlessly swatted away at her shirt.
Daniella and Scott decided to go Old Man's Cliff.
Its nothing but a cliff, that looks over a rushing river but a lot of teens come by to hangout there.

Daniella and Scott figured most people weren't going to be there today since it was extremely foggy; nobody could barely see anything.
But Scott and Daniella were daredevils and they made sure not to go too far up the cliff.
It is cliff after all. Meaning, go far enough and they would fall off the edge, right into a body of aggressive water that's infested with garbage and boulders.

Still smirking, Scott watched his girlfriend scrambled around with her shirt before he grabbed the end of her shirt and pulled it over her head.  Daniella hair laid perfectly down against her shoulders as she gasped, pretending to be shocked at his actions. Scott absentmindedly licked his lips as he examined Daniella's body.
She was a gorgeous female and she wasn't playing hard to get. Whenever he wanted some of her goodness, she would instantly give it to him.

" Sure thing." Scott replied, holding her shirt into his hands.

"Babe!" Daniella said, covering up her chest. She wore a dark purple bra. Purple was Scott's favorite color and he always complimented her on how good she looked in purple.
Immediately, their lips eloped with one another as Daniella moaned in pleasure.
Scott's hands began to fiddle with the buckles on Daniella's bra. Her entire torso was exposed to his eyes He laid her down on the blankets they were sitting on. His hands started to roam around on her chest.
Just as the two were about to take it a step further, there was suddenly chattering and a flashing yellow light beaming through the fog.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Daniella huffed as she quickly placed her bra and shirt back on. She had gotten everything on just in time for her  friends to come jogging along with flashlights, drinks, snacks, and blankets.

"Gross, it smells like unprotected sex." Aniya said as she scrunched her nose. Ariel and Sarah burst out laughing as they spread out their own blanket and sat on it.

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