Scott's Compensation

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Thomas couldn't believe Daniella was still walking the halls. Taylor had told him that she was escorted down the hall by police officers. So why was she still in school?

Nevertheless, Thomas was going to make her pay. But first, he wanted to deal with Scott.

With brutal force, Thomas pushed Daniella to the ground. Her arms were not quick enough to ease her fall and she landed face-first on the concrete ground. Daniella sat on her butt, her mouth wide open as it filled with her blood. Daniella tilted her head down, not wanting to swallow any of it.

Scott was baffled, thinking she had fell and tripped on her own until a heavy force made its way to the side of his cheek. Scott doubled over in pain, holding the side of his cheek. But that didn't stop anything. He felt brutal forces in sides, on his head, on his back. Scott crashed to the ground, he couldn't see who was attacking him so he did what he could do and cover his face from any blows.

The hits were consistent. It was blow after blow and each hit felt like rocks were being thrown at him.

"Get up!"

Scott was finally given the opportunity to see who his attacker was. Thomas was standing over him, his fist balled up while his chest was heaving up and down.
Scott was in pain but he couldn't allow Thomas to see that.
With all his strength, he got off the floor, throwing his own punches at Thomas.

"Guys stop!" Daniella yelled from the ground. Her lip was still bleeding and she was tasting her own blood.

Thomas rammed his fist inside Scott's stomach and pushed him against the lockers, where he landed more punches at Scott. One hit Scott right in his eye.

Scott fell to the ground again, Scott knew when he lost a fight. This was one of them. Thomas used his foot and slammed it down on Scott's head.

"All you had to do was tell the truth!" Thomas yelled, repeatedly kicking Scott. Thomas prepared to kick Scott straight in his face so that his head would hit the lockers when suddenly, the collar of his shirt was yanked on and he was half dragged, half- pulled away from Scott and back into Mr.Machone's classroom. Thomas yanked his shirt away, and stared at the man behind him. Mr.Machone had a heated look on his cast.

"You really think this is what Jada would want?" Mr.Machone inquired as he pushed his classroom door shut.

"Jada wasn't the fighter. But I am. And don't try to use her as a way to make me feel guilty. Every hit that Scott received, he deserved it." Thomas spluttered.

Mr.Machone didn't know it but Thomas had something worse for Daniella. Scott was lucky to just receive a beat down in the hallway. At least nobody was there to witness it except the three of them.

I am truly disappointed in you, Thomas."

"That's your problem" Thomas retorted as he paced Mr.Machone's classroom. His breath heavy and off-balanced. The adrenaline had died down, leaving him with aching hands and out of breath.

"What has gotten into you? You have not gotten into any fights none this year." Mr.Machone responded.

Thomas snickered."You seriously haven't seen me in the last few weeks then."

Mr.Machone breathed, he walked over to his desk, daring Thomas to open his classroom door and bolt. But to his bewilderment, Thomas did no such thing. He only doubled down, trying to catch his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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