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Chapter 3: Bullies

Jada bit the bottom of her lip as she trailed behind Thomas up the mountain. After 30 minutes of persuasion, Jada finally gave in to Thomas' idea. She did have one condition. He had to buy her food. That's what he did too along with a blanket to lie on. As the two climbed up the narrow path to get to the cliff, Jada's heart pounded as she heard faint laughter. It scared the living daylights out of her. Thomas furrowed his eyebrows as he switched on the flashlight from his phone. The laughter sounded like something from a horror movie.

"Stop it!" Jada heard. It came out all playful like.
Jada grabbed the back of Thomas' shirt. His heartbeat quickened by the sudden grasp from Jada. He knew Jada was getting worried. He didn't want her changing her mind. He grabbed her hand, enclosing her hand with his. Her hands were soft to the touch.

"Don't worry Jada, it's going to be alright. " Thomas said as he finally made it up the cliff. He had to be careful, he didn't want to go too far out and end up falling off the cliff. The thick fog made it difficult to see anything. The flash from his phone was doing little to any help.

"I thought you said nobody would be up here." Jada was nearly whispering.

"Don't worry, we aren't gonna be anywhere near them." Thomas responded. He melted walking until
he heard the angry waves coming from the body of water below. It sounded like it was right beside him instead of below. Thomas knew he was close enough so he let go of Jada's hand, spread the blanket out and sat down. Jada looked at the fog surrounding her before taking a seat with Thomas. She hated the fact that anything could come out the fog and attack her.

"Jada, just relax okay?" Thomas said as though he was reading her thoughts.

Jada took a motivating deep breath before allowing her body to ease the tension and fear off.
I'm safe she thought.
Thomas wouldn't put me in danger..he's my friend

Thomas went inside the Chipotle bag and grabbed Jada's Chipotle bowl
He made sure to have everything that Jada like.
White rice
Black beans
Steak and chicken
And sour cream
Thomas smiled as he handed Jada her bowl.
Jada instantly felt better as she opened the bowl and duh into the heap of food with the black plastic fork. Flavors and spice burst into her mouth as she chewed.
Thomas chuckled as he watch her flutter her eyes in pure pleasure from eating the food.

His mind started to wander into a dark and dirty place...I wonder what she feels like?

His thoughts were arousing him and he knew he had to stop. How embarrassing would that be if Jada was to see that.

Thomas grabbed his bowl and started to dig in, sipping on the Snapple he brought as well.

The two stayed silent until they were finished their food. Their bellies were tight as they laid on the blanket, looking up at the sky that was just as cloudy and gray. Their heads were side by side while their bodies were opposite of each other. Thomas had his arm propped behind his head while Jada had her hands resting on her stomach.

The mysterious laughter had seized and Jada had gotten comfortable.

"Thomas?" Jada said in a questionable manner.

"Yes?" He was so busy thinking of how he should give her the locket. He could feel it resting on his thigh, ready to be taken out. Thomas wish the sun was out. How romantic would it have been if the sun was to glisten against the locket as he placed it in the palm of her hand.

"Have you seen the video?" Jada asked, his perfect  scenario had been interrupted.

Thomas knew exactly what Jada was talking about.
The video had gone viral around the school, being the topic of almost everyone's conversation. Other than the fight, another video had surfaced.
The video was of a girl giving a guy oral. The thing is, it's kind of hard to tell exactly who it is in the video. The camera is positioned on the ground, so the only things that are being shown in the video are the legs of the guy and the girl on her knees. only the tip of her hair is shown in the video.

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