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3 weeks later

Thomas opened his eyes, leaving the nightmare that replayed in his brain repeatedly. The moonlight beamed through his window, casting the shadow of the window onto his messy wooden floor. Crickets rubbing their legs together to make their sweet sound seeped through his silent room.

Thomas sighed, the thought of going back to sleep was a no-go. He got out his bed, using his best judgment to find his bedroom door and left to get a glass of water. Thomas grabbed a small glass cup, filling it with cold tap water before gulping it down. The cold water felt refreshing to his dry throat. He let out a satisfying sigh before placing the cup into the sink that was clear of any dirty dishes except that one.

Thomas flicked on the dining room light, having a seat at the oak wooden table. He sat down in front of a crumpled up photo. Thomas' hands shook as he unraveled the picture. The picture broadcasted a happy Jada.  The same picture that caused Thomas to flick off and throw everything in arm's reach. It took Lin forty-five minutes to calm him down. In the picture, Jada's smile seemed to light the world. The sun was angled perfectly with the location being in the same place that the incident occurred. Jada was smiling brightly in her red coat, dark blue jeans, and black knee-high boots. It was the first time she had ever gone up on Old Man's Cliff. Thomas started to tear up again as he placed his forehead upon the table, crumpling up the picture again as he cried.

I should have done something!

Jada was everywhere. She was on the news, in the newspaper, in many pictures in Thomas's room. He couldn't escape from her. Thomas threw his head back, letting out a roar. Saliva strings stuck from his upper teeth to his lower teeth. Thomas roared until he ran out of breath.

It's my fault. I wasn't strong enough!

Thomas got out of the chair, going to the wall and ramming his fist into it until the skin of his knuckles peeled off into skabby blisters and then his crimson blood came patching out, staining  the prestine white walls.

Lin came rushing out of her room, the consistent thud waking her out of her sleep. Her thoughts becoming Thomas hurting himself. She wrapped her pink robe around her body as she fluttered down the stairs, turning into the living-room to find her son putting yet another hole in her walls.

"Thomas, stop!" Lin gasped as she grabbed a hold of his forearm. Thomas ignored his mothers pleads, still attacking the wall.

"Thomas, please stop!" Lin yelled. She was too fragile to try and pull him away. She grabbed his face, pulling it so that he'll look at her. Thomas finally calmed down, seeing the tears of his mother choked him up.  His punching calmed down as he shrunk to the ground, heaving as his mother placed his head on her chest.

"I miss her too Thomas, I miss her too." Lin whispered, planting a kiss in the middle of Thomas' head.

It's been a whole month since the accident but to Thomas, it felt like it was yesterday . Every time he closed his eyes, all he saw was Jada falling off that cliff . Thomas hadn't step foot outside because of it. He hasn't even been to school since the incident either.

Lin glanced at the crumbled photo that sat next to her. She picked it up and placed it deep in her pockets. She didn't want Thomas to continue this pattern of looking at Jada and punching holes in the wall.

"Let me make you some tea." Lin told to Thomas as he started to calm down. He didn't object to the idea but he didn't agree either. His silence was taken as a "yes" to Lin.
Lin helped Thomas up and helped him take a seat at the dinning table. Thomas sighed when he realized the cuts and bruises on his knuckles. He grabbed a napkin from the table and placed it over his knuckles. He napkin soaked up his blood, leaving four blobs of blood appearing on the other side of the napkin l.

"Thomas, I know you're in morning but I need you to understand that continuously punching holes in my wall is not the way to cope." Lin said as she placed a kettle on the stove filled with water. She went into the overhead cabinet and pulled out the NyQuil that she placed there for this exact reason. When Thomas is sleeping, then there is peace.

Deep down, Lin was afraid because Thomas was starting to turn back to his old ways. Before he met Jada, he was violent and antisocial. Jada changed that and that's why Lin had a special place in her heart for Jada.

Thomas didn't say anything, but stared at the table. The pain coming from his hands were starting to make itself present. All the adrenaline was seeking away.
The kettle hissed and Lin poured the water into a glass mug with a tea bag sitting inside. She placed sugar and honey inside the tea along with a cap full of NyQuil to help Thomas sleep. Lin carefully guided the cup to Thomas and sat it right in front of him. When she noticed the cuts and bruises on his hands, she got right to work on it. She grabbed her first aid kit and bandaged him up as he sipped his tea.

"Do you think you'll be able to go to school tomorrow?" Lin asked once she was finished.
Thomas shook his head, his eyes still staring at the table.

"Thomas. I wasn't exactly asking. You've been out of school for a month now. You're way behind on work. Fortunately, your school has been lenient enough to send your work to you. However, your absences are going to add up."

Thomas wasn't in the mood to argue so instead, he nodded his head and went upstairs back into his room with his cup of tea.
Lin sighed, Thomas was nowhere near himself anymore.

Thomas placed his cup of tea on his nightstand and laid down. For some reason, his mind had gone to the day he he was questioned by the police.

"Why do you believe that Daniella purposely pushed Jada off the cliff?" The officer has asked Thomas .

"It's not what I believe, it's what happened!" Thomas retorted.
"You know these accusations are serious. Daniella could be charged with murder." The Officer replied.

"Yeah, I know. That's exactly what she needs to be charged with because that's exactly what she is."

Thomas blinked away the memory, turning to his side. It was hard for Thomas because he had no proof that Daniella did it and he knew her friends were going to take her side. He could only hope that one of them would feel guilty and tell the truth.
Just thinking about them doing something so cruel stirred anger in Thomas. The moment he lay eyes on Daniella, he was definitely going to confront her.

No matter what.

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