Back to School

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"I can't believe you accidentally overslept, Thomas." Lin said to Thomas as she parked in front of Morris High School.

Thomas sighed whilst staring at his school through the passenger seat's window. "It was an accident mom" Thomas replied.

"Thomas, I can't afford to keep leaving work because of this mess!" Lin replied.

"What do you want from me? I didn't tell you to leave work to come and take me to school." Thomas responded.

Lin sighed deeply as shifted in her seat to get a better view of Thomas.
"Can we try and have a good day today? I need some type of effort on your part, Thomas."

Thomas sighed heavily as he ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't want his mother going back to work in an upset mood because of him. "I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean it like that. I'll try to have a good day" Thomas told his mother. But he was unsure if he believed it. If he was to see Daniella in the halls, what would he do? He knew it wasn't going to be a peaceful hug with a dashing smile.

"It's okay Thomas. I guess we are both just in a lot of stress." Lin admitted as she glanced at the time on the radio. "But you have to get out now, I need to get to work."

Thomas didn't say anything as he looked back at the school. How could he possibly walk the halls like normal again knowing Jada walked those very halls?

"Mom, I-I can't," Thomas said feebly as his lower lip began to tremble. His vision started to blur from the tears that started to surface.

Lin's heart broke into a million pieces watching her son cry.
Lin tenderly grasped Thomas's chin and directed his face so that he was watching her. She used the back of her hand to clear away the tears.

"Breathe. It's going to be okay. Just know she is always with you, Thomas. Right in here" Lin said while touching Thomas' chest.
Knowing that Jada was in his heart gave comfort to Thomas. Although he wouldn't be able to physically touch her, she was there with him.

" You think you're ready now?" Lin asked. Thomas nodded his head, knowing he would not be able to stall anymore. He had to get out of the car.

Lin smiled and gave Thomas a pat on his shoulders as a way to say 'get out of my car' in a nice way. Thomas got the hint that his mother wanted him out now so he reluctantly got out the car.
Stepping foot onto the school grounds brought back the tactics and agendas he had made for himself last night.

His top goal: confront Daniella.

Something about retaliating with anger made Thomas giddy inside. He walked inside the school building with his strong intentions.

Thomas pulled open the doors and walked inside the small high school. The hallways were half-deserted with the late-goers making their way to their classrooms.
As Thomas walked down the hall, he realized that he would have to pass Jada's locker to get to his class. Her locker is just across the hall from the classroom he needed to be in.
Thomas braced himself, telling himself not to look but he couldn't help it. The moment he turned the corner, he had to take a peak. Just to see if it was real. Deep down he was hoping Jada would be standing at her locker waiting for him. He and Jada always walked to class together even though their classes were on opposite sides of the school building .

Upset but not surprised, she wasn't there. But instead, her locker was covered with cards and teddy bears. Thomas furrowed his eyes as he made his way towards Jada's locker to get a better view.
The cards had writings on it like
We love you
We miss you
The teddy bears were sticking to the lockers by duct tape.

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