Chapter 2: The Turning Point

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Izzy: ever had a sleepover

Karli: That's a pretty stupid question you ask me

Izzy: *laughs* I figured

Izzy starts to pull off her cheerleading jacket

Izzy: wanna play truth or dare?

Karli: Um....I not really a fan

Izzy starts to crawl towards her on the bed

Izzy: Come'll be fun

Karli pauses but accepts

Few minutes later.....

Izzy: Truth or dare?

Karli: Truth

Izzy: Ok. Is it true that you would want to kiss Josh

Karli: Who's that

Izzy: Like....the hottest boy in school. He has a party going on tonight but I wasn't invited for some weird reason

Karli: I wouldn't

Izzy: Good to know

Karli: Alright, truth or dare

Izzy: Truth

Karli: it true that----

Izzy's phone starts to ring

Izzy:'s my ex

Karli: What? I thought you was dating someone

Izzy: We been broke up since like last year

Karli: Oh

Izzy: Ok....sorry continue

Karli: Is it true sometimes have thoughts about girls

Karli knew that she may have went to far with that but she went with it

Izzy: Uh....

Karli: You you don't have to answer that. I went to far

Izzy: I do

Karli: Really?

Izzy: I am not ashamed of it

Karli: Which girls

Izzy: I used to have this best friend in 6th grade that had this cousin who was something that wasn't bisexual...

Karli: Was she pan then?

Izzy: Yes. Anyways her cousin didn't know who I was and all of a sudden I get this text on instagram and it says "Hey". We texted for months. I knew what she looked like but....I didn't see her in real life

Karli: And....

Izzy: She moved to my school with well my best friend which is her cousin and it was kinda awkward

Karli: Why?

Izzy: I had accidentally said that I would have *in a low voice* you know what *back to normal voice* with her if I was gay

Karli: What she say?

Izzy: She said she would do the same....we knew it was messed up but...we didn't say nothing

Karli: School probably wasn't bad then

Izzy: Seriously! It was awkward the entire time. I...I actually liked more than

Karli could see the tears piling up in her eyes ready to release

Karli: She moved away or something?

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