Chapter 20: Where Did The Time Go *Finale*

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The class was shook

They stared over toward Karli and Ben

Ben gets up

Ben: What the hell!

Ms. Keisha: Karli, Josh, and Ben! Office NOW!!!

5 minutes later---

They all sat down outside the office

Karli looked at Ben

His face was as red as fresh blood

Karli: B---

Before she could finish, Ben gets up and punches the wall

Karli gets up and comforts him

Ben: That mother freaking asshole ruined our lives

Karli turns him towards her

Karli: I know

They hug

Josh: You deserved it

Ben pulls Karli away and marches toward Josh

Karli: Calm down

Ben pushes Josh back

Ben: You ruined my life! Why! What did I ever do?!

Josh doesn't say anything

Ben: If this is about Dexter, your a freaking idiot! I don't like him!

Josh mumbles

Josh: *mumbles* For now

Ben folds his fist

The principal calls in Karli first

They each sit

Mr. Peter (principal): Karli, so how long have you been like this?

Karli: If your gonna suspend or expel me, just do it

Mr. Peter: No....but you are gonna be suspended

Karli: For being gay

Mr. Peter: That's the rule for the school board and for our school, I'm sorry. You can tell Ben that too

Karli: For being gay....that's harsh Mr. Peter

Mr. Peter: We don't accept homosexual here, that's the rule

Karli: It isn't the law

Mr. Peter: Do you wanna be expelled!

Karli: YES!

Mr. Peter seemed mad

Mr. Peter: Ok, tell Ben that and get out my office. You know what....? I'm glad Josh did that, he WASN'T gonna get expelled

Karli: I'm not a fan of homophobes

Karli gets up and leaves

Ben is outside sitting on the wall in front of Josh

Karli: Ben, we're expelled from this asshole school

Ben looks upset

Ben: Damn

The principal walks out

Mr. Peter: Josh, your suspended for a week

Ben then jumps up

Ben: Why are we expelled and he's not!?

Mr. Peter: Ask your friend

Josh walks away with Mr. Peter

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