Chapter 11: It's A Nightmare

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At 2 in the morning, Kaitlyn and Karli was sitting beside each other with Kaitlyn's mother in front of them

Brady: Kaitlyn.....

Kaitlyn: I'm sorry

Brady: Why didn't you tell me?

Kaitlyn: I didn't know how

Brady sighs

Brady: So Karli....did y'all do it safely?

Kaitlyn: Mom!

Brady: Answer

Karli: What do you mean

Brady: Did you FORCE her

Karli: MOM STOP!

Brady gets up aggrevisely and leaves

Karli sighs

Kaitlyn: I'm sorry Karli

Karli puts her head on Kaitlyn's shoulder

Karli: No. I'm sorry

Karli gets up

Karli: Lets go back to sleep

Kaitlyn: Ok

Next morning.....

Jonah: Thanks for letting me crash here last night

Ben: No problem. My dad dad

Jonah chuckles

Ben: So your mom is coming home today, you ready

Jonah: Hell yeah. I'll protect as much as I can

Ben: Good *pats him on the back*

Jonah: Also Ben....I wanna thank you very much

Ben: For what?

Jonah: Your a amazing and supportive friend of Karli. She cares and loves you

Ben: Yeah....I love her too

Jonah: She knows

Jonah hugs him

Ben: No problem

Later that day.....

Jonah and Ben go to the hospital

They get there and head for the front desk

Desk Worker: How may I help you

Jonah: I'm here to see my mom, Laura---

Before he could get her last name, the doctor of hers came

Doctor: Jonah....

Jonah: my mom ok?

Doctor: Um.....there has been a huge um....mistake

Jonah eyes became wider and wider

Ben: Is she ok sir?

Doctor: We left her alone after you guys left and she went to the bathroom. Her body was found laying on the bathroom floor....beside her was pills

Jonah went down on his knees

Jonah: Your joking right

Doctor: I'm sorry sir....your mother is dead

Karli walks in

Karli: Hey Jonah! I can't wait for mom to---

Jonah: She's dead

Karli pauses

The whole hospital was had turned upside down

2 weeks later

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