Chapter 6: Wrong Time To Lose

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Coach: Alright Ben, Josh we are gonna start with some verticals and we'll add on from there

Josh: Alright Ben, you ready?

Ben is staring off somewhere

Josh: Ben?

Ben snaps out of it

Ben: Yeah yeah I'm ready

Josh: Ok

Josh and Ben line up on the line

Josh: Ready....set....h---

Coach: Guys! Hold your hut for a minute

Coach gathers all the guys up

Coach: As y'all recall, it is time for basketball season to start

One kid raises his hand

Coach: Yes Ricky

Ricky: I thought it was football sir

Everyone sighed in utter disbelief that he said that

Coach: Ricky....go run 5 laps

Ricky groans

Coach: Don't make me make it double that

Ricky quickly runs to the track and starts to run his laps

Coach: So if you guys wanna try out for it, papers are gonna be on the bench. Now get back to practice

Josh and Ben get back formation

Josh: Down.......Set.....No rushing, no blitzing, line of scr----

Coach: We get the damn thing say hut

Josh: Set hut!

Ben was challenging himself to do a one hand catch like Odell Beckham

Ben starts running far

Josh: Remember the one hand catch!

Ben: Got it!

Josh releases the ball high in the air

It goes farther and farther

Ben reaches him arm out to catch it

All of a sudden the ball is under Ben's hand

Ben: What the---

He trips over and his arm is the first thing to land

Ben: Ah!

You could hear Ben's arm snap

Ben: Ah!!! Freak!!!

Ben was in infuriating pain

Josh runs over

Josh: Dude dude! Your arm is dislocated!

Ben: No crap!

Josh goes and rubs Ben's arm

Ben slaps Josh away


At that point, Ben's bipolarness had kicked in

Josh: Chill bro

Ben: No you---

He tries to get up and punch him with his injured arm but it didn't even move

Ben: Crap crap crap crap crap!!! Freak me!

Josh looks back to see a carrier

Josh lifts Ben up onto it

Ben is carried away screaming

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