Chapter 15: Encounters

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The next day at school during homeroom.....

Ben is sitting down next to Kaitlyn, Karli, and Josh

He keeps tapping his foot with his eyes locked on the desk

Josh: Benny, you ok? You have been jumpy since we got here

Ben: I'm cool, I'm cool, I'm awesome

Ben taps his foot faster on the floor

Karli: Did you take your meds?

Ben: Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep

Kaitlyn: You sound like a rabbit

Ben looks around the class

Ben: Is he coming?

Josh: Who?

Ben: Is he coming?

Karli: Ok, what happened at that guy Dexter's house?

Ben looks at a girl in the front of the class

Ben: She's hot!

Ben gets up, the others try to stop him but fail

Ben goes up to her

Ben: Hi

Girl: Um...hey Ben

Ben leans in a kisses her

She backs away

Josh runs up and grabs him

Josh: He's having a off day

Girl: I have a boyfriend!

Josh carries Ben into the hallway

Josh: What the hell man?

Ben has tears running down his face

Josh: What is going on?

Ben: I....I killed someone.....

Josh looks surprised with some concern

Ben: My cousin *wipes a tear off his face* he got got into a drug business and uh....she...he! He was being attacked and abused by this guy. So......I see them on the side of the stre-stre-street, the guy was beating and attacking I jump in....I failed at first but when he was distracted.....I-I-I

Josh: Your ok

Ben: I hit him in the head with a stick and....he fell....and

Ben couldn't finish, he went into tears

Josh hugs him

Josh: It's ok

After school......

Karli went to a fast food place to see if she could apply for a job

Employer 1: Hey welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?

Karli: Um...actually I would like to apply for a part time job here

Employer 1: Oh ok. Well *pulls out papers* here is the application form. You may apply now

Karli: *takes the paper* Thank you

Karli sits down and fills out the application

While filling out her form, her ex Stephen or Steph walks in the door

Steph sees Karli

Steph: Well well well, look who I spot out of the blue

Karli: *sarcastic* Great.....

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